David Johnson says:
Just in case anyone is still wondering ... Michael Moore is a cunt.
1st tip to ego-fuelled-celebs: even if you have a good reason,... if you want to cancel your UK tour at very short notice it's probably best practice to ring or write to your tour producer and old colleague yourself rather than get a third party to do it.
2nd tip: don't insist, via third party, that the tour is cancelled with following explanation: "We're sorry but Michael Moore has had to postpone his trip". 6,000 people probably deserve an little bit more than that.
3rd tip: As a rule it's more polite ....... when you eventually answer your old collegue's concerned phone calls ..... when you can finally be arsed to talk to your independent producer with whom you have big history and who is about to lose a conservatively estimated £28,000 ....... not to say: "It's none of your business"
4th tip: try your best not to behave like a complete and utter cunt - even if you are one
Lesson to minor celebs? DON'T BE A CUNT!
That's enough startling wisdom for today ...
p.s If you can suggest any other ways that Michael Moore is a cunt - please list them below .....
1st tip to ego-fuelled-celebs: even if you have a good reason,... if you want to cancel your UK tour at very short notice it's probably best practice to ring or write to your tour producer and old colleague yourself rather than get a third party to do it.
2nd tip: don't insist, via third party, that the tour is cancelled with following explanation: "We're sorry but Michael Moore has had to postpone his trip". 6,000 people probably deserve an little bit more than that.
3rd tip: As a rule it's more polite ....... when you eventually answer your old collegue's concerned phone calls ..... when you can finally be arsed to talk to your independent producer with whom you have big history and who is about to lose a conservatively estimated £28,000 ....... not to say: "It's none of your business"
4th tip: try your best not to behave like a complete and utter cunt - even if you are one
Lesson to minor celebs? DON'T BE A CUNT!
That's enough startling wisdom for today ...
p.s If you can suggest any other ways that Michael Moore is a cunt - please list them below .....

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