"Orgasms, fake groans… Who even has the energy to unpack all the tired, reductive woman-on-woman nastiness in that? (...)Those who like Meghan, who feel sympathy for her, who wouldn’t feel personally slighted if these strangers made a go of it as a regular celebrity couple, don’t make anywhere near the amount of fuss as those who hate her. These days especially, there is no mawkish reverence requiring a rigorous counterbalance. Increasingly, Meghan-haters are just screaming among themselves.Why would they bother? Well, it’s an easy score, an instant headline, as supporting her never could be. The trouble is that it’s been open season on Meghan for so long, even vicious attacks have become weirdly banal and mainstream. If Greer still fancies her chances as the feminist shock-jock du jour, she needs to up her game".Συμφωνώ με την κα Barbara Ellen. Ακόμη κι αν είμαστε συνηθισμένοι σε controversies της Germaine, το παρόν παραείναι μπανάλ.Next!
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