Η μοναδική συμμετρία του Γουές Άντερσον σε πραγματικές πόλεις στον κόσμο – Ανάμεσά τους και η Αθήνα

Η μοναδική συμμετρία του Γουές Άντερσον σε πραγματικές πόλεις στον κόσμο – Ανάμεσά τους και η Αθήνα Facebook Twitter

Παστέλ χρώματα, περίτεχνες προσόψεις, υπερ-στυλιζαρισμένες παράξενες συμμετρίες. Ο σκηνοθέτης Γουές Άντερσον έχει μία καθορισμένη αισθητική. Μόλις την συνειδητοποιήσει και την αγαπήσει κανείς μπορεί να την εντοπίσει παντού.

Αυτή ήταν η προϋπόθεση για μία κίνηση που ξεκίνησε από το Reddit νωρίτερα την προηγούμενη χρονιά, με τίτλο «Accidental Wes Anderson», όπου χρήστες μοιράζονται φωτογραφίες πραγματικών τοποθεσιών και αρχιτεκτονικής, θυμίζοντας σκηνικά των ταινιών του σκηνοθέτη.

Ο Μπιλ Μάρεϊ ή κάποιος από τους αδερφούς Γουίλσον, κάλλιστα θα μπορούσαν απλά να «πεταχτούν» σε μία από τις εικόνες αυτών των κτιρίων και τοποθεσιών ανά τον κόσμο, οι οποίες τυγχάνουν να αντιπροσωπεύουν το μοναδικό στυλ, σήμα κατατεθέν, του σκηνοθέτη.

_________________________ Moika Palace | St. Petersburg, Russia | c. 1776 • • The Moika Palace or Yusupov Palace was once the primary residence in St. Petersburg, Russia of the House of Yusupov. The building was the site of Grigori Rasputin's murder December 1916 • • The palace was first built around 1776 by the French architect Jean-Baptiste Vallin de la Mothe. Over the years a number of architects worked on the palace including the famous Italian sculptor Emilio Sala, producing a variety of architectural styles • • Andrei Mikhailov reconstructed the building during the 1830s when the Yusupovs became owners of the building. This was the period that the palace achieved its present-day appearance • • From 1830 to 1917, the palace belonged to the House of Yusupov, an immensely wealthy family of Russian nobles, known for their philanthropy and art collections. Thus in the time of Imperial Russia, the palace became known as the Yusupov Palace • • The luxurious interiors of the palace were not inferior to those of contemporary royal palaces. More than 40,000 works of art, including works by Rembrandt, jewelry, and sculptures decorated the palace • • Following the Russian Revolution, the Yusupov art collections were nationalized and relocated in the Hermitage and other museums • • The Russian Revolution followed shortly after Rasputin's death and once the Soviets came to power, they confiscated the property of the nobles. In 1925, the palace was handed over to the city's Education Commissariat • • The courtyard where Rasputin attempted to flee from his killers is now occupied by a kindergarten playground adjacent to the main building • • Know more? Please comment below! • ?: @melekeska • ✍️: @wikipedia • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #SymmetricalMonsters #StPetersburg #AccidentalWesAnderson #Russia

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Με την ευκαιρία αυτή, ο Wally Koval, θαυμαστής του Άντερσον, με πάθος για τα ταξίδια και το αρχιτεκτονικό σχέδιο, εμπνεύστηκε κ μετέφερε αυτή την ιδέα στο Instagram.

Ο λογαριασμός του @AccidentallyWesAnderson, είχε ευρεία απήχηση σε μία «αφοσιωμένη ομάδα εξερευνητών με εκπαιδευμένη "ματιά"». Η κοινότητα που δημιούργησε γύρω από την αισθητική του Άντερσον αναγνωρίστηκε τον προηγούμενο μήνα, όταν ο Koval απέκτησε αποκλειστικότητα στο να μοιραστεί εικόνες από την επερχόμενη ταινία του Γουές Άντερσον, «Isle of Dogs».

____________________ Konzerthaus Berlin | Berlin, Germany | c. 1821 • • The Konzerthaus Berlin is a concert hall situated on the Gendarmenmarkt square in the central Mitte district of Berlin, housing the German orchestra Konzerthausorchester Berlin • • Built as a theatre from 1818 to 1821 under the name of the Schauspielhaus Berlin, its usage changed to a concert hall after the Second World War and its name changed to its present one in 1994 • • After the building's predecessor, the National-Theater was destroyed by fire a in 1817, the new hall was designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel between 1818 and 1821 and inaugurated on June 18, 1821 with the acclaimed premiere of Carl Maria von Weber's opera Der Freischütz • • During the 1848 Revolution its main auditorium housed the Prussian National Assembly for several weeks in September, with the Gendarmenmarkt a major arena of political events • • After World War I the Schauspielhaus reopened under the name of Preußisches Staatstheater Berlin in October 1919. It soon became one of the leading theatres of the Weimar Republic, a tradition ambivalently continued after the Nazi takeover in 1933 • • Severely damaged by Allied bombing and the Battle of Berlin the building was rebuilt from 1977 onwards and reopened as the concert hall of the Berliner Sinfonie-Orchester in 1984 with a gala concert • • The exterior, including many of the sculptures of composers, is a faithful reconstruction of Schinkel's designs, while the interior was adapted in a Neoclassical style meeting the conditions of the altered use • • The great hall is equipped with a notable four-manual pipe organ built by Jehmlich Orgelbau Dresden in 1984. The organ has four manuals and pedal, 74 stops and 5,811 pipes • • Acoustically, the hall is considered to be amongst the five best concert venues in the world for music and/or opera • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @lindaberlin • • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #SymmetricalMonsters #AccidentalWesAnderson #Berlin #Germany

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Ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά: «Όχι συμπτωματικά, αλλά πλήρως εκ προθέσεως Γουές Άντερσον».

Όσο για το ποια πόλη είναι η πιο χαρακτηριστική στην αισθητική του σκηνοθέτη; Η Βουδαπέστη και η Κωνσταντινούπολη συγκαταλέγονται ανάμεσα σε αυτές με τα πιο έντονα στοιχεία, ακολουθώντας το Βερολίνο και η Κοπεγχάγη.

Από τις φωτογραφίες δεν λείπει και η Αθήνα, με μία χαρακτηριστική λήψη της Βουλής στο Σύνταγμα.

#AccidentalWesAnderson Hellenic Parliament | Athens, Greece | c. 1843 • >Now back to our regularly scheduled programming< • • The Hellenic Parliament or “Old Royal Palace” (Greek: Παλαιά Ανάκτορα) is the first royal palace of modern Greece, completed in 1843. It has housed the Hellenic Parliament since 1934. The Old Palace is situated at the heart of modern Athens, facing onto Syntagma Square • • The palace was designed by Bavarian architect Friedrich von Gärtner for King Otto of Greece and his wife, Queen Amalia, with funds donated by Otto's father, King Ludwig I of Bavaria • • Construction work started in 1836 and was completed in 1843. As it served originally as a palace for the Greek monarchs for about a century, it is sometimes still referred to as the "Old Palace" • • After suffering fire damage in 1909, it entered a long period of renovation. During renovations the King and his family moved to the Crown Prince's Palace, from then on known as the "New Palace", one block to the East • • In 1924, a referendum abolished the monarchy. The building was then used for many different purposes—housing a variety of government and public services in the 1920s, functioning as a makeshift hospital during World War II, a refugee shelter for Greek refugees from Asia Minor in 1922, a museum with the personal effects of King George I (now part of the collection of the National Historical Museum), and other uses • • In November 1929 the government decided that the building would permanently house Parliament. After more extensive renovations, the Senate convened in the "Old Palace" on 2 August 1934. Although the monarchy was restored that same year, the building has housed Parliament ever since • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @nicanorgarcia • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Athens #SymmetricalMonsters #Greece #HellenicParliament

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Angeles Abbey Memorial Park | Compton, California | c. 1923 • • Angeles Abbey Memorial is a Cemetery that was founded in Compton in 1923 by George Clegg, a shipbuilder from Long Beach, California • • Clegg wanted to build a grand monument so he sent two architects to India, and they produced a miniature Taj Mahal in a Compton field, with room for more than 1,000 crypts • • The abbey, as they called the mausoleum, was made of imported Italian marble and included a stained-glass reproduction of Jean Francois Millet's "The Angelus," a painting of two French peasants. The cemetery's owners later built an organ and held Sunday concerts in the worship space • • Space sold quickly as Compton stood at an attractive distance from the crowds of Los Angeles and Long Beach • • While the cemetery would accommodate all religions, only white patrons were allowed until the 1960’s. That changed in 1970 when an African American owned mortuary company assumed control of the memorial park. Jean Sanders, the third generation of an African American family in the funeral business, bought it in 1992 and remains the owner today • • Angeles Abbey Cemetery contains examples of Byzantine, Moorish and Spanish architectural style. Four large mausoleums reside with stained glass windows and skylights. The mausoleum containing the chapel no longer holds Sunday services and the pipe organ is no longer in working order • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @bobgreenspan • ✍️: @latimes • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Compton #SymmetricalMonsters #California

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#AccidentallyWesAnderson • Washington State Ferry | Southworth, Washington | c. 1951 • • Washington State Ferries is a government agency that operates automobile and passenger ferry service in Washington State as part of the Washington State Department of Transportation • • It runs ten routes serving 20 terminals located around Puget Sound and in the San Juan Islands, designated as part of the state highway system • • The agency maintains the largest fleet of ferries in the United States at 22 vessels, carrying 24.2 million passengers in 2016. As of 2016, it was also the largest ferry operator in the United States, and the fourth-largest ferry system in the world • • The ferry system has its origins in the "mosquito fleet", a collection of small steamer lines serving the Puget Sound area during the later part of the nineteenth century and early part of the 20th century • • By the beginning of the 1930s, two lines remained: the Puget Sound Navigation Company (known as the Black Ball Line) and the Kitsap County Transportation Company which was forced to close due to a strike in 1935, leaving only the Black Ball Line • • Toward the end of the 1940s the Black Ball Line wanted to increase its fares, to compensate for increased wage demands from the ferry workers' unions, but the state refused to allow this, and so the line shut down • • In 1951, the state bought nearly all of Black Ball's ferry assets for $5 million (Black Ball retained five vessels of its fleet). The state only intended to run ferry service until cross-sound bridges could be built, but these were never approved, and the Washington State Department of Transportation runs the system to this day • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @kimakimberlin • • ?: @whalebonemagazine • • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #AccidentalWesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Washington #Southworth #SymmetricalMonsters #WSFerries

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Tramway Car | Lisbon, Portugal | c. 1873 • • The Lisbon tramway network (Portuguese: Rede de eléctricos de Lisboa) serves the municipality of Lisbon, Portugal. In operation since 1873, it presently comprises five urban lines • • The first tramway in Lisbon entered service on 17 November 1873, as a horsecar line. On 30 August 1901, Lisbon's first electric tramway commenced operations. Within a year, all of the city's tramways had been converted to electric traction • • Until 1959, the network of lines was further developed, and in that year it reached its greatest extent. At that time, there was a total of 27 tram lines in Lisbon, of which six operated as circle lines • • The construction of the Lisbon Metro and the expansion of the bus system began the slow decline of the network • • The five remaining lines operate in the southern centre and west of the city only. Aside from the obvious tourist attraction, those lines are still very important because sections of the city's topography can only be crossed by small trams • • Tram 15 also connects the entire western riverfront of the city to the centre and allows a better link for passengers with the bus system towards an area that still is not served by the metro • • Although reports prepared by both the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich concluded that the network should be retained and even extended, the process of decline continued until 1997, with the closing of the Alto de São João branch and the Arco Cego depot • • In an apparent reversal of policy, the mayor of Lisbon, Fernando Medina, announced that tram 24 would be restored to service in 2017 saying that it was a mistake to reduce the city's network of electric trams and that work would be undertaken to reconstruct it • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @jackspiceradams • • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Portugal #Lisboa #SymmetricalMonsters #Lisbon

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Milburn House | Newcastle upon Tyne, UK | c. 1905 • • Milburn House is a 6-story office block that was built in 1903. Its corner plot with a vast triangular facade on Dean Street and The Side - one of the few remaining medieval streets on Tynesid • • After a catastrophic fire hit a large printing and paper warehouse at the turn of the century, this became the site of the striking office block financed by the Northumbrian Milburn family who had made their fortune in shipping and coal • • The style chosen for the building is a version of the Baroque. Among the Baroque elements are bold, rather exaggerated door surrounds and heavy keystones to close-set windows • • Because of the family’s strong maritime connection, the building is designed like an ocean-going liner, with the floors labelled deck-style - A at the top and G on the ground floor. In its early days almost 1,000 people worked there • • Early on, the office space was home to 185 different businesses, many of them involved in coal and shipping as the North East economy boomed • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @0th_floor • • ✍️: @ChronicleLive • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Newcastle #SymmetricalMonsters #UnitedKingdom #MilburnHouse

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Bodie Island Light | Outer Banks, North Carolina | c. 1872 • • The current Bodie Island Lighthouse is the third that has stood in this vicinity of Bodie Island on the Outer Banks in North Carolina and was built in 1872 • • It stands 156 feet (48 m) tall and is located on the Roanoke Sound side of the first island that is part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. There are 214 steps that spiral to the top • • The 170-foot structure is one of only a dozen (!!!) remaining tall, brick tower lighthouses in the United States — and one of the few with an original first-order Fresnel lens to cast its light • • While some people pronounce the name with a long "o" sound, it is traditionally pronounced as body. According to folklore it is due to the number of dead sailors washed ashore from wrecked ships along this portion of the East Coast, which has long been known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic but that is not true • • The name is actually derived from the Body family who once owned the land that was a separate barrier island prior to 1811 • • After a hurricane - Hurricane Irene - caused major damage in 2011, funding was obtained to restore the lighthouse. Once completed, there was a re-lighting ceremony on April 18, 2013, and the lighthouse was opened for the general public to climb the following day • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @john_presnell • ✍️: @wikipedia • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #BodieIsland #SymmetricalMonsters #NorthCarilina #OuterBanks

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Cathedral of the Archangel | Moscow, Russia | c. 1505 • • The Cathedral of the Archangel is a Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the Archangel Michael located in Cathedral Square in Moscow between the Great Kremlin Palace and the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. It was the main necropolis of the Tsars of Russia until the relocation of the capital to St. Petersburg • • Constructed between 1505 and 1508 under the supervision of an Italian architect Aloisio the New on the spot of an older cathedral, built in 1333 • • The 1737 Kremlin Fire damaged the cathedral and the structure was further threatened by the construction of the predecessor of the Grand Kremlin Palace, which led to soil subsidence, and caused a slight tilt in the orientation of the walls • • There are 54 burials in the cathedral, with 46 ornamented whitestone tombstones and glazed cases made of bronze. Of note is the tomb of Tsarevich Demetrius, the son of Ivan the Terrible, was buried there in the early 17th century and was later canonized • • During the 1917 Russian Revolution, the cathedral was damaged again during the fighting. Afterwards, it was closed by the Bolshevik regime • • The cathedral then was preserved as a museum in the 1950s along with the other surviving churches in the Moscow Kremlin. A large portion of the church’s treasures were either transferred to the Kremlin Armory Museum, or sold overseas • • After 1992, the building was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church and occasional religious services resumed • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @valentina_jacks • • ✍️: @wikapedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Moscow #SymmetricalMonsters #Russia

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Teatro Alla Scala | Milan, Italy | 1778 • • Teatro alla Scala is an opera house in Milan, Italy which was inaugurated on August 3rd 1778, and was originally known as the Nuovo Regio Ducale Teatro alla Scala (New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala). The premiere performance was Antonio Salieri's Europa riconosciuta • • La Scala was originally illuminated with 84 oil lamps mounted on the stage and another thousand in the rest of theatre. To prevent the risks of fire, several rooms were filled with hundreds of water buckets. In time, oil lamps were replaced by gas lamps, these in turn were replaced by electric lights in 1883 • • The original structure was renovated in 1907, when it was given its current layout with 1,987 seats. In 1943, during World War II, La Scala was severely damaged by bombing • • It was rebuilt and reopened on 11 May 1946, with a memorable concert conducted by Arturo Toscanini—twice La Scala's principal conductor and an associate of the composers Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini • • The theatre underwent a major renovation from early 2002 to late 2004 under the direction of architect Mario Botta • • Initially the work proved controversial, as preservationists feared that historic details would be lost. However, the opera company was satisfied with the improvements to the structure and the sound quality • • The opera season opens on December 7th, the feast of Milan’s patron saint • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @stephenbarkernyc • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Italy #LaScala #SymmetricalMonsters #Milan

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Osterley Park | London, England | c. 1761 • • Osterley Park is a mansion set in a large park of the same name. It is in the London Borough of Hounslow, part of the western suburbs of London • • The original building on this site was a manor house built in the 1570s for banker Sir Thomas Gresham, who purchased the manor of Osterley in 1562 • • Two hundred years later the manor house was falling into disrepair, when it came into the ownership of Sir Francis Child, the founder of Child's Bank, and in 1761 his grandsons employed Scottish architect Robert Adam, who was just emerging as one of the most fashionable architects in Britain, to remodel the house • • The house is of red brick with white stone details and is approximately square, with turrets in the four corners. Adam's design, which incorporates some of the earlier structure, is highly unusual, and differs greatly in style from the original construction • • Adam's neoclassical interiors are among his most notable sequences of rooms. Horace Walpole described the drawing room as "worthy of Eve before the fall” • • The rooms are characterised by elaborate but restrained plasterwork, rich, highly varied colour schemes, and a degree of coordination between decor and furnishings unusual in English neoclassical interiors • • The house and gardens are open to the public and receive around 30,000 of the 350,000 visitors to the surrounding park • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @bijnr • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #London #SymmetricalMonsters #England

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#AccidentalWesAnderson State Historical Museum | Moscow, Russia | c. 1872 • • The State Historical Museum is a museum of Russian history wedged between Red Square and Manege Square in Moscow • • Built in 1872, its exhibitions range from relics of prehistoric tribes that lived on the territory of present-day Russia, through priceless artworks acquired by members of the Romanov dynasty. The total number of objects in the museum's collection comes to millions • • The place where the museum now stands was formerly occupied by the Principal Medicine Store, built by order of Peter the Great in the Moscow baroque style. Several rooms in that building housed royal collections of antiquities. Other rooms were occupied by the Moscow University, founded by Mikhail Lomonosov in 1755 • • The present structure was built based on Sherwood's neo-Russian design between 1875 and 1881. The first 11 exhibit halls officially opened in 1883 during a visit from the Tsar and his wife • • Its interiors were intricately decorated in the Russian Revival style by many acclaimed Russian artists, but during the Soviet period the murals were proclaimed gaudy and were plastered over. The museum went through a painstaking restoration of its original appearance between 1986 and 1997 • • Notable items include a longboat excavated from the banks of the Volga River, gold artifacts of the Scythians, birch-bark scrolls of Novgorod, and manuscripts going back to the sixth century! The museum's coin collection alone includes 1.7 million coins, making it the largest in Russia • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @vasilmann • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Moscow #SymmetricalMonsters #Russia

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#AccidentalWesAnderson City Hall | Aarhus, Denmark | c. 1941 • • The decision to build a new City Hall in Aarhus, Denmark was taken during a city hall meeting in 1937 and the new building was inaugurated 2 June 1941 • • Designed by architects Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller, the first proposal did not include a tower but due to massive public pressure it was later added to the drawings along with the idea to clad the structure in marble • • Hans Wegner was in charge of the furnishing - which is uniquely designed to fit the building, and parts of the interior design • • Aarhus has officially had two former city halls prior to this one being built. The first was erected in the middle of the 15th century and was situated in front of the tower of the Aarhus Cathedral. It was demolished in 1859 • • The second city hall was erected during 1856 and 1857, immediately northeast of the Cathedral. Officially it was city hall, courthouseand penitentiary • • From 1856 to 1906, the county councils also held their meetings in the building and the Aarhus art museum, that now has evolved to become the ARoS art museum, started out in the attic in 1859 • • When the building was no longer needed as a city hall due to the erection of the present city hall, it was used as a police station until 1984. Today it houses Kvindemuseet, a museum for women's culture and history in Denmark • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @ofeneck • ✍️: @wikipedia • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Aarhus #SymmetricalMonsters #Denmark

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Port Vell Aerial Tramway | Barcelona, Spain | c. 1931 • • The Port Vell Aerial Tramway is an aerial tramway in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It crosses Port Vell, Barcelona's old harbour, connecting the Montjuïc hill with the seaside suburb of Barceloneta • • It first opened in 1931 and is principally a tourist attraction, used on account of its excellent views of the city and the port. It is operated by Teleféricos de Barcelona S.A. and is not part of Autoritat del Transport Metropolità integrated fare network • • The tramway was intended to be an attraction at the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition, a World's fair • • The towers were designed by architect Carles Buigas and the tramway line was built by Bleichert, a company with a worldwide reputation, which had just completed the Aeri de Montserrat. However, the size of the project was underestimated and the tramway did not open until 12 September 1931 • • Initially, the tramway consisted of two sections with two cars each, traveling from the terminal stations to Torre Jaume I and back, with one haul rope for the total length to move all four cabins • • Unfortunately, all hopes for a commercial success of the venture were annihilated in the Great Depression and in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). Torre Jaume I was used as a look-out and a machine gun post, and the tramway was heavily damaged, reduced to the rusting towers • • In 1960, Torre Sebastià reopened with a new restaurant at its top, followed two years later by Torre Jaume I. In 1963 the tramway reopened with only two cabins • • Then in 1996, Barcelona decided to redevelop Port Vell and to build the World Trade Centre at that time the tramway was also renovated and it reopened in 2000. It still operates today as a tourist attraction • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @nicanorgarcia • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Catalonia #SymmetricalMonsters #Barcelona #Spain

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Haus der Kulturen der Welt | Berlin, Germany | c. 1957 • • The Haus der Kulturen der Welt or "House of the World's Cultures" in Berlin is Germany's national centre for the presentation and discussion of international contemporary arts, with a special focus on non-European cultures and societies • • It presents art exhibitions, theater and dance performances, concerts, author readings, films and academic conferences on Visual Art and culture • • The building was formerly known as the Kongresshalle conference hall, a gift from the United States, designed in 1957 by the American architect Hugh Stubbins as a part of the International Building Exhibition • • John F. Kennedy spoke here during his June 1963 visit to West Berlin • • On May 21, 1980, after the roof collapsed, the hall was rebuilt in its original style and reopened in 1987 in time for the 750-year anniversary of the founding of Berlin. To Berliners it is also known as the Schwangere Auster ("pregnant oyster") because of its exterior design • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @lindaberlin • • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #SymmetricalMonsters #Berlin #Germany

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Berkeley City Club | Berkeley, California | c. 1929 • • The Berkeley City Club was commissioned as the club house of the Berkeley Women's City Club organized in Berkeley, California in 1927 to contribute to social, civic, and cultural progress • • This private club is no longer restricted to women, and the club house building is available to the public at large for overnight stays, weddings and other occasions • • The building, constructed in 1929, is one of the outstanding works of noted California architect Julia Morgan • • The San Francisco-born Morgan was the first woman to gain admission and earn a certificate from the Ecole de Beaux-Arts in Paris (1902) and the first licensed female architect in California. She designed over 100 women's organization buildings throughout her career • • Her interpretation of Moorish and Gothic elements in the Berkeley Women's City Club created a landmark of California design. It is registered as California Historical Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @notbriansurgery • ✍️: @wikipedia • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #SymmetricalMonsters #Berkeley #California

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Bastei Building | Cologne, Germany | c. 1924 • • The Bastei is a building in Cologne-Neustadt-Nord , located at the northern end of the Kölner Ringe on the banks of the Rhine. Since its opening on October 22, 1924, the spectacular building has served as a lookout restaurant • • Built in 1924 by the Cologne architect Wilhelm Riphahn and modified in 1927 in expressionist style is the unusual superstructure, which protrudes eight meters above the Rhine • • The upper floor, constructed of light steel, is based on an existing Prussian caponniere which increased the roundabout area to the street. The center of the jagged roof crowns an open-topped peak • • The construction of the building was very controversial, as there were fears that the city silhouette could be negatively affected. However, upon completion, the enthusiasm was great and architecture critic Heinrich de Fries wrote that the building was "wed with the landscape, the current and the bridges, almost completely liberated from the base, from which it is outgrown." • • After heavy damage in 1943 during the war, the bastion was restored by Riphahn in 1958 and reopened by the Lord Mayor of Cologne Theo Burauen • • Then on December 4th, 1958 Hans Herbert Blatzheim opened a restaurant in the Bastei, which was awarded a Michelin star • • In 1985, the building was completely renovated and now the postwar structure carries a lighted trident on the rooftop - while still a restaurant, since 1997, the Bastei can only be rented for private events • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @geliklien • ✍️: @wikipedia • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Bastei #SymmetricalMonsters #Cologne #Germany

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Rimini Molo Lighthouse | Rimini, Italy | c. 1914 • • The Rimini Molo di Levante Lighthouse was built in 1914 on the pier of the city of Rimini in northern Italy looking out over the Adriatic Sea • • Rimini is located in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy and capital city of the Province of Rimini. It is located on the Adriatic Sea, on the coast between the rivers Marecchia and Ausa • • It is one of the most famous seaside resorts in Europe, thanks to its 15 km/9 mile-long sandy beach, over 1,000 hotels, and thousands of bars, restaurants and discos • • The first bathing establishment opened in Rimini in 1843 • • Until the 18th century raiding armies, earthquakes, famines, floods and pirate attacks ravaged the city, but in this gloomy situation and due to a weakened local economy, fishing took on great importance, a fact testified by the construction of structures such as the fish market and the lighthouse • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @thererumnatura • ✍️: @wikipedia • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #SymmetricalMonsters #Rimini #Italy #Lighthouse

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#AccidentalWesAnderson Flåm Line | Aurland, Norway | c. 1941 • • The Flåm Line is a railway line between Myrdal and Flåm in Aurland, Norway that was built in 1941 • • A branch line of the Bergen Line, it runs through the valley of Flåmsdalen and connects the mainline with Sognefjord • • Construction of the line started in 1924, with the line opening in 1940. It allowed the district of Sogn access to Bergen and Oslo via the Bergen Line • • Electric traction was taken into use in 1944; at first El 9 locomotives were used, and from 1982 El 11. Until 1991, the train connected with a ferry service from Flåm to Gudvangen. • • In 1992, freight services were terminated, and due to low ticket prices and high operating costs, the line was nearly closed. In 1998, Flåm Utvikling took over marketing and ticket sale for the line, prices were heavily increased and El 17 locomotives were introduced • • The trains remain operated by the Norwegian State Railways (NSB), while the line itself is owned and operated by the Norwegian National Rail Administration • • Because of its steep gradient and picturesque nature, the Flåm Line is now almost exclusively a tourist service and has become the third-most visited tourist attraction in Norway • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @monicamcoyle • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Symmetry #SymmetricalMonsters #Flam #Aurland #Norway

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#AccidentalWesAnderson North Mole Light | Fremantle, Australia | c. 1906 • • The North Mole Lighthouse began operation in 1906 at entrance to Fremantle Harbour in Western Australia • • The occulting red light, emitted from a fixed lightsource at a focal plane height of 15 metres (49 ft) above sea level, is visible for 11 miles (18 km) and indicates the westernmost point of the harbour and its entrance • • The lighthouseestablished permanent service from 1906; after the mole's foundations had settled a temporary lighting arrangement there was discharged • • The light originally planned for the house was found to be too powerful and was sent to Broome for the steel lighthouse at Gantheume Point • • The lighthouse and its technically identical yet green coloured partner on the south mole are the last remaining of their type and it has an 'indicative place' status of the Register of the National Estate and is a well-known landmark to seamen visiting the port • • Both lights were designed by Charles Yelverton O'Connor, an engineer responsible for the construction of Fremantle Harbour and who advanced the proposal of the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme • • The 15 m tower is made of cast iron, painted red and features classical decorations • • Located at the end of North Mole Drive, the position is a well used recreational fishing spot and a vantage point for ocean yacht racing or birdwatching • • Know more? Please comment below! • • ?: @kehnnee • ✍️: @wikipedia • • #AccidentallyWesAnderson #WesAnderson #VscoArchitecture #Vsco #Symmetry #SymmetricalMonsters #Fremantle #Australia

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