Μου έγραψε ο Νόαμ Τσόμσκι
Μία (σχεδόν) προσωπική επιστολή του στρατευμένου αμερικανού διανοούμενου στην οποία δηλώνει οπαδός της οργάνωσης Jewish Voice for Peace που υπερασπίζεται την αυτοδιάθεση Ισραηλινών και Παλαιστινίων και αντιτίθεται στην κατοχή των παλαιστινιακών εδάφων. Την επιστολή του αυτή ακολούθησε λίγες μέρες μετά μία άλλη της Rebecca Vilkomerson, διεθύντριας της JVP, όπου διαμαρτύρεται για την απόφαση της ισραηλινής κυβέρνησης να απαγορευτεί η είσοδος στη χώρα στα μέλη της οργάνωσης εξαιτίας της συμμετοχής τους στην καμπάνια του κινήματος BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions).

Dear Spyros,
As a Jewish kid growing up in Philadelphia in the '30s, I faced my share of antisemitism. It's easy now to forget how many Americans were openly pro-Nazi before the U.S. entered World War II.
But I did not conclude from this that Jews should live in freedom and safety while other groups should not. On the contrary, I was and remain committed to the ideals of universal equality, democracy, and freedom.
And these days, there are really only a small handful of Jewish organizations that honor those radical working class politics I learned from my Jewish extended family as a child.
Jewish Voice for Peace is one of them. That's why I'm proud to support JVP.
Join me and thousands of others who are fighting for a just peace in Palestine/Israel.
The first time I visited Palestine/Israel in 1953, I was highly disturbed by the anti-Arab racism I observed there, and by what seemed to me to be ultranationalist tendencies, even among the Israeli left.
Of course, in today's Israel, these racist and totalitarian ideas have only taken hold more strongly.
Jewish Voice for Peace speaks truth to power. It speaks honestly about Israel's blatant violations of international law, and of the human rights of Palestinians: both in the occupied territories, and Palestinian citizens of Israel as well.
I am all too familiar with the consequences of speaking out honestly about the reality of Israeli apartheid. As many have pointed out, the mainstream response to the simple assertion that Palestinians deserve basic human rights is reminiscent of McCarthyism.
There is no question that Israel will keep doing what it's doing as long as the U.S. supports it. If we want to truly shift the balance of power, we have to build a movement that's powerful enough to challenge the status quo, and win.
Jewish Voice for Peace is a critical part of that movement-building. They are working tirelessly towards a future of justice, equality, and dignity for Palestinians and Israelis. They are on the ground challenging U.S. policies that enable Israeli apartheid.
They honor the values I grew up with.
Of course, groups like Jewish Voice for Peace don't get big donations from billionaire donors. They are able to do the work they do because thousands of people just like you and me chip in what we can.
Noam Chomsky

Dear Spyros,
I'm equal parts furious and sad: The Israeli Strategic Affairs Ministry put Jewish Voice for Peace on the list of organizations now officially banned from entering the state of Israel.
We need to prove that these repressive tactics are not only morally wrong, but that they actually have the opposite of their intended effect. They will grow the movement for justice in Palestine.
Many JVP members, including me, have family and friends in Israel/Palestine. And now, contrary to any democratic norm, there's to be a political litmus test for entering the country. Yet as we at JVP are now feeling the pain of exclusion, we are very aware that Palestinians have always faced profiling and bans on entry to Israel. From the right of return for refugees to the simple ability to travel from one town to another, travel restrictions are a core feature of the Israeli apartheid state.
The Israeli government sees the same thing you and I do: increasing numbers of Jews and all people worldwide supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, and supporting Palestinian human rights. And it terrifies them.
This ban is a desperate attempt to hold onto a repressive status quo. But it will not work. Join JVP as a member today to tell Israel: Blacklists won't intimidate us into silence.
I have to believe that the public naming of JVP on this list signals the fundamental weakness of the repressive, right-wing movement in Israel. They see the global BDS movement gaining momentum and they're pulling out all the stops.
JVP members will continue fighting for justice, equality, and freedom for all people in Israel/Palestine. We won't back down.
There's never been a better time to join JVP. Let's show the Israeli government that this kind of repression doesn't work, it only strengthens us. They try to silence us, but we'll continue to grow and build.
In solidarity,
Rebecca Vilkomerson
Executive Director

Boycott or buycott ?