Ο Μπομπ Ντίλαν στο λόφο του Φιλοπάππου
To 1989, ένα off-day ανάμεσα σε συναυλίες κι ένα τζαμάρισμα με τον Βαν Μόρισον με το οποίο ξεκινάει ένα ντοκιμαντέρ του BBC αφιερωμένο στον Βαν Μόρισον.

"Bob Dylan's 1989 summer European tour wrapped up with a pair of shows in Greece. During an off-day, Dylan and Van Morrison climbed onto the picturesque Hill of the Muses in Athens for a stunning four-song acoustic set that thankfully was captured by cameras for the BBC documentary Arena: One Irish Rover - Van Morrison in Performances. They began with Morrison classics "Crazy Love" and "And It Stoned Me," but the clear highlight was the 1986 Morrison obscurity "Foreign Window," featuring Dylan on harmonica and Van on guitar and vocals. They wrapped up the set with a duet on "One Irish Rover." Check out both songs in this incredible video.
Van Morrison's Sixties garage rock band Them released a cover of Bob Dylan's "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" in 1966, and a few years later Morrison began regularly performing "Just Like A Woman" at his solo shows. But he didn't actually share a stage with Dylan until The Last Waltz in 1976. They teamed up for a handful of shows on Dylan's 1984 European tour, and the very day after this stunning performance on the Hill of the Muses, Morrison came out during Dylan's encore to perform "Crazy Love" and "And It Stoned Me." In 1998 they finally went on an official tour together, and later in the year they were joined by Joni Mitchell. They duetted during many of those shows, but they never quite captured the intimate magic they shared that day in Greece."
Andy Greene, Bob Dylan and Van Morrison Jam on an Athens Hilltop, Rolling Stone, 01.10.2012.

"Fresh from this triumph, the pair [o Victor Maymudes και ο Bob Dylan. Σ.Σ.) vacationed in Vouliagmeni, Greece, on the Mediterranean. "I explored the coast and swam in the sea," Victor recalls, while Mr. Dylan stayed in the hotel, "typing and handwriting between smoking cigarettes, and he can do that for longer than anybody I know."
Sam Tanenhaus, A Dylan Insider's Back Pages, The New York Times, 07.08.2014 (κριτική του βιβλίου του Jacob Maymudes, Another Side of Bob Dylan. Ο Jacob είναι γιος του Victor Maymudes, που υπήρξε ο μάνατζερ και ο μέντορας του Bob Dylan).