Πέθανε το διασημότερο ρακούν του Instagram - H Πάμπκιν που λάτρεψαν 1,4 εκατ. followers

Πέθανε το διασημότερο ρακούν του Instagram - H Πάμπκιν που λάτρεψαν 1,4 εκατ. followers Facebook Twitter

Η Pumpkin, το πιο δημοφιλές ρακούν στο Instagram, πέθανε σε ηλικία τεσσάρων ετών.

Η ιδιοκτήτρια της, η Laura Young, επιβεβαίωσε ότι το ρακούν-σταρ πέθανε πριν από δύο εβδομάδες και έγραψε πως είναι σε σοκ προσπαθώντας να διαχειριστεί την απώλεια. «Αυτό το μικρό ρακούν εισέβαλε κυριολεκτικά στη ζωή μου όταν περνούσα μια δύσκολη στιγμή. Μου έδωσε σκοπό και ελπίδα».

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

This is the last photo I took of my girls together. Pumpkin was full of life and it was the day before everything changed. They played on the sofa, cuddled, and just had a lovely time together. This is how I will remember our beautiful Pumps. I cannot thank you all enough for all of your messages and comments. My husband and I have been overwhelmed with emotion. So many of you have shared how much our girls have brightened your days, gotten you through dark times, and just used her page to bring a smile on your face on a Monday. Your love and support has not gone unnoticed. Thank you thank you, you are making this awful time a little less painful. ❤️

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Pumpkin The Raccoon (@pumpkintheraccoon) στις

Η Laura βρήκε την Pumpkin όταν ήταν νεογέννητη .To ρακούν ήταν μόνο του με σπασμένο πόδι σε ένα δέντρο στις Μπαχάμες. Καθώς δεν υπήρχε ομάδας διάσωσης ζώων διαθέσιμη, η γυναίκα αποφάσισε να το πάρει σπίτι της.

Το ρακούν έγινε αστέρι του Instagram μετά τη διάσωση του το 2014 και απέκτησε πάνω από 1,4 εκατ. followers. Στο σπίτι μεγάλωσε και δέθηκε πολύ με τα δύο σκυλιά της οικογένειας με τα οποία φωτογραφίζονταν συχνά να κοιμάται και να παίζει.

Η Laura λέει ότι ο λογαριασμός Instagram της Pumpkin θα παραμείνει ενεργός σε κάποια μορφή. «Θα συνεχίσω να κρατώ αυτόν τον λογαριασμό. Η μορφή θα αλλάξει αλλά είναι σημαντικό για μένα να τιμήσω το κορίτσι μου. Ξέρω πόσο την αγαπήσατε», είπε.

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

It is with a heavy and broken heart that I share with you the news that our beloved Pumpkin has passed away. Two weeks ago today we had to say goodbye to our beautiful girl. I am so completely ruined that I can barely see what I am typing as there are so many tears pouring down my face. My husband said it perfectly, she is now forever dreaming of avocados, eggs, and sips of my leftover tea. Her passing came as a complete shock to us and we are still trying to come to terms with it. Our house is so much quieter. I keep looking up to the cupboard to see her little face, have called her name to come inside for dinner, and hold back tears when I see Toffee sniffing around for her to come and play. Pumpkin changed my life. And not from her social media presence. This little raccoon literally fell into my life when I was going through a tough time. She gave me purpose and gave me confidence. She helped me get out of a dark hole on more than one occasion. Anyone that has ever had a pet knows the power these little creatures can have on you. For the past five years this little girl was always by my side, through happiness and tears. I like to think she helped prepare me for motherhood. I would always joke that having a raccoon was like having a permanent toddler, I wasn't completely wrong. When I had my daughter and was struggling to breastfeed I would go into my room and cuddle with Toffee and Oreo and just cry. Pumpkin would lick the tears from my face and it would make me laugh and smile. She did this so many times. I will continue to keep this account. The format will change but It is important to me to honour our girl Pumps and use this incredible platform for something good. I know how much you all loved and adored her. She is going to be one missed raccoon. I love you my darling Pumpkin. We miss you so much. xox

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Pumpkin The Raccoon (@pumpkintheraccoon) στις



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