για αυτο μιλαει το αρθρο;;; Το διαβασες;; επειδη μαλλον οχι σου αντιγραφω για τι μιλαει το αρθρο (απο καποια γερακια στην DC)" generation of Westerners has grown up in the happy belief that the Cold War ended long ago and peace is Europe’s fated future. They are slow to rally to the chore of once again containing Russia’s ambitions.So Putin presses ahead. His increasingly overt goal is to splinter Europe, rip up the NATO umbrella and restore Russian influence around the world. As if to put an exclamation point on that manifesto, the pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine apparently resumed their antiaircraft attacks less than a week after the destruction of Flight 17. On July 23, two military aircraft belonging to the pro-Western Ukrainian government were shot down just a few miles away from the airliner’s crash site.And Putin evidently will keep going as long as each new crisis only makes him stronger. The 21st century czar has mastered the dark art of stirring up problems that only he can solve, so that Western leaders find themselves scolding him one minute while pleading with him the next. The crisis in Syria last year is a perfect example. He supplied weapons and training for the armies of President Bashar Assad, propping up the tyrant while Western statesmen demanded Assad’s ouster. Yet when Assad crossed the “red line” drawn by Obama and used chemical weapons against his own people, Putin stepped in to broker the solution. "ειδες εσυ να λεει μια λεξη σε αυτο το σημειο για το αεροπλανο ή να ασχολειται με γεωπολιτικη;;;τι να πεις... μου αρεσε παντως που χωρις να το εχεις διαβασει ξερεις και γιατι μιλουσε - υποθετω μονο απο το εξωφυλλο ε;αλλο δεν ασχολουμε με τετοια σχόλια - δεν αξιζει το κοπο ούτε και προκειται να καταλαβεις ...
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