"EnglishmaninBudapest:Dear EU Leaders, as you try to beat Greece into passive submission; to enforce extra draconian measures on them for daring to defy you; please remember that there are other eyes watching closely your "bully-boy" tactics, and asking themselves "do we want to remain part of this seemingly tyrannical entity that seems hell bent on exercising its lust for power?""Peter NexusI am on the verge tears this evening. It is tearing me up to see Germany behaving like this. I will certainly be voting for Brexit for next year, and I believe in Europe as much as anyone I know. But not this Europe.""teebolA good lesson for Britain. The EU is not a place for democracy. Vote NO next year.""rulenstein""Fascist Merkel, fascist Germans..."Μερικα απο τα πολλα παρομοια σχολια αναγνωστων του βρετανικου Guardian σημερα!Τοχε πει ο Τσιπρας: Η ΕΕ θα αλλαξει ή θα παει στο διαολο... (ή καπως ετσι... ;-) )
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