> Απ' ότι φαίνεται, δεν πολυχώνευαν […] τις αλλαγές :-)http://bit.ly/VsndvGThe Geopolitics of Egypt: From Eternal Stability to Turmoil"The mindset of eternal stability was so deeply entrenched that when ancient Egyptian scholars discovered that they had failed to account for the extra day in leap years, instead of adjusting their calendars they decided it would be less disruptive to wait until their calendar – too short by 0.25 days annually – simply cycled all the way around again, a process that took 1,461 years. When that day arrived, the Egyptian leadership declined to make the adjustment since, from their point of view, the inaccurate calendar had triggered no deleterious events in the past millennia and a half. A more modern example indicates that this mindset is mostly unchanged. Egypt began producing cotton in the first half of the 19th century, but it was not until 2005 that Egypt took the next logical step and began producing textiles."
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