> In the days that follow, I never pass a soul who doesn’t acknowledge me with a wave and a smile or a few kind words. > Ikaria turns out to be the perfect place to combine a vacation with education, because the locals are open-hearted and patient.> “We’re not rich in Ikaria, but we have time for family and friends; we share our happiness and our hardship.” I’m struck by the strong sense of community in Ikaria.> They speak slowly and don’t seem to mind my limited Greek.> the Ikarians are renowned for their odd timekeeping. I don’t need a watch here, because nobody’s in a hurry and there’s no pressure for punctuality. Everything happens in its own time.> It’s also acceptable to disappear for several hours in the afternoon for a siesta — everyone does it. This custom is taken to the extreme in the village of Christos Raches, where residents come to life after sunset and stores stay open well into the early-morning hours. Until recently, the baker left loaves of bread and an honesty box in the bakery so that he could snooze uninterrupted.> There’s nothing like Ikaria’s panygiria, religious festivals that occur almost daily between May and October in villages across the island. These are exhilarating occasions where you leave your inhibitions at home and dance all night.> I came to learn a language and I’ve discovered a way of life. When I return home, I vow, I’ll make more time for the people who cross my path.
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