
Δε νομίζω να πίνεις 1 ποτήρι τη μέρα, η σωστή διατροφή είναι 5-6 γεύματα ημερησίως, άρα υποθέτω τόσα ποτήρια. Στο άρθρο του λέει: The first trials are underway. I apologize if you were not chosen. A handful of locals of diverse builds have been testing it, but the feedback so far has been segregated. I think I have a good model of the male proportions. For the males, besides the obvious fat loss and muscle gain, scores have increased, testers report better sleep and increased focus, and some even improved emotional health. There are many second-order benefits to being healthy and well fed. The women are not as happy, reporting they still feel hungry. Clearly this still needs some tweaking.Οπότε καταλαβαίνω ότι οι άντρες δεν έχουν πρόβλημα με την πείνα...
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