Ο Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Υγείας (WHO) και διάφορα όργανα των Ηνωμένων Εθνων (βλ. OHCHR, UN Women, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF) εξέδωσαν το 2014, αναφορικά σε με σεξουαλική και αναπαραγωγική υγεία, την interagency statement με τον τίτλο "Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization" (που δεν αφορά -φυσικά- μόνο τα διαφυλικά και μεσοφυλικά άτομα, αλλά αφορά ΚΑΙ αυτά):" Like any other contraceptive method, sterilization should only be provided with the full, free and informed consent of the individual. However, in some countries, people belonging to certain population groups, including people living with HIV, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities, and transgender and intersex persons, continue to be sterilized without their full, free and informed consent.This statement aims to contribute to the elimination of forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization. It reaffirms that sterilization as a method of contraception and family planning should be available, accessible, acceptable, of good quality, and free from discrimination, coercion and violence, and that laws, regulations, policies and practices should ensure that the provision of procedures resulting in sterilization is based on the full, free and informed decision-making of the person concerned."____________"Transgender persons and intersex personsIn many countries, transgender and often also intersex persons are required to undergo sterilization surgeries that are often unwanted, as a prerequisite to receiving gender affirmative treatment and gender-marker changes (16, 64). According to international and regional human rights bodies and some constitutional courts, and as reflected in recent legal changes in several countries, these sterilization requirements run counter to respect for bodily integrity, self-determination and human dignity, and can cause and perpetuate discrimination against transgender and intersex persons (15, 64, 140, 141–146).Intersex persons may be involuntarily subjected to so-called sex-normalizing or other procedures as infants or during childhood, which, in some cases, may result in the termination of all or some of their reproductive capacity. Children who are born with atypical sex characteristics are often subjected to cosmetic and other non-medically indicated surgeries performed on their reproductive organs, without their informed consent or that of their parents, and without taking into consideration the views of the children involved (64; 147, para 57; 148; 149). As a result, such children are being subjected to irreversible interventions that have lifelong consequence for their physical and mental health (64; 150, para 20; 151). (...)"http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/gender_rights/eliminating-forced-sterilization/en/...φαντάζομαι πως, πλην του ΕΔΑΔ, και οι προαναφερθέντες Οργανισμοί -όπως και όλοι οι οργανισμοί που δεν συμφωνούν μαζί σας- θα είναι "νεο-μαρξιστικής" (!) ιδεολογικής κατευθύνσεως.Τέλος, αγαπητέ κύριε, δεν θυμάμαι να σας έχω δώσει "ραπόρτο" ούτε περί του φύλου μου, ούτε περί των ιδεολογικών μου πιστεύω, ούτε περί των θρησκευτικών μου πεποιθήσεων. Το επιθετικό σας ύφος θα πρότεινα να το κρατήσετε για τον εαυτό σας ή για όσους ενδιαφέρονται να λάβουν μέρος σε αλαλάζουσες κοκορομαχίες.
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