Με έκπληξη διαπίστωσα την αναφορά στο άρθρο των NYT. Μου το είχε στείλει όταν δημοσιεύθηκε ένας φίλος Ιρλανδός, καθηγητής πανεπιστημίου.Κάνω copy-paste την απάντησή μου στο mail του. Να σημειώσω ότι το άρθρο με είχε θυμώσει, καθώς παρουσιάζει την πιο ψεύτικη εικόνα της Αθήνας.Bollocks may I say.The fact that unemployment is going down has to do with half a million immigrants that left the country. And with a new concept of employment that has emerged. 550€ is the minimum wage nowadays.800-900€ is an average- acceptable wage. With current laws my pension shall be 360€.The author of the article lives in a hipster, postmodern bubble that feels like endorsing the goodness of syriza, the leftists in government. Athens is the new Berlin! Bollocks. Berlin is backed up by mercedes, bosch, siemens, deutche bank etc. We have feta and ouzo.Most of the bars that are described and several people are the syriza intelligentsia.Have you seen any country prospering on susi and bars? We are riding the wave of the destruction of all mediterranean summer destinations. That's all. Egypt, Turkey, Libya, Syria. Noone goes over there any more.We are just calmer than 2011 because those who were organising the riots are in government.We have no strategic plan for productive rebirth, we have no national aim for the next 20-30 years. The mere fact that a leftist spoiled brat grew in their 30s and feels like being apologetic about the charm of their youth does not mean that that charm works for all.Να τα λένε οι Αμερικάνοι που δεν ξέρουν. Μην τα λέμε και μεταξύ μας και κοροϊδευόμαστε. Μπράβο για την κριτική αντιμετώπιση του άρθρου.