
...σιγά ρε κακογήρου που σ' έπιασε ο πόνος, τώρα, για τα lgbt: μη φας, έχουμε γλάρο.vernedead, ναι, δεν ήταν "στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης" με την έννοια σάς σκοτώνω μαζικά σε θαλάμους: “Guanahacabibes, was set up in western Cuba at the end of 1960. This is how Che explained the function performed by this method of confinement: “[We] only send to Guanahacabibes those doubtful cases where we are not sure people should go to jail ... people who have committed crimes against revolutionary morals, to a lesser or greater degree.... It is hard labor, not brute labor, rather the working conditions there are hard.”This camp was the precursor to the eventual systematic confinement, starting in 1965 in the province of Camaguey, of dissidents, homosexuals, AIDS victims, Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Afro-Cuban priests, and other such scum, under the banner of Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción, or Military Units to Help Production. Herded into buses and trucks, the “unfit” would be transported at gunpoint into concentration camps organized on the Guanahacabibes mold. Some would never return; others would be raped, beaten, or mutilated; and most would be traumatized for life, as Néstor Almendros’s wrenching documentary Improper Conduct showed the world a couple of decades ago”.επίσης:
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