"Στην πρώην ΕΣΣΔ ή στις Η.Π.Α.; Στην Βόρειο Κορέα ή στην Γαλλία;"... Άλλη μια φοβερή πολιτική ανάλυση. (Θα πούμε και για το τωρινό USA bible belt, θα φτάσουμε και στους πάλαι ποτέ Μακαρθιστές;) Πρέπει, κανείς, να είναι είτε υποστηρικτής της πάλαι ποτέ ΕΣΣΔ και του Β. Κορεάτη Κιμ/δόγματος "Juche", είτε υποστηρικτής της π.χ. Λεπέν, που προέρχεται απ' έναν χώρο που -πριν το πρόσφατο "μακιγιάζ"- υποστήριζε ότι οι gay είναι ανώμαλοι και να μαντρώσουν τους πάσχοντες από aids σε ειδικούς χώρους; "Le Pen was promising to “defend Jews and gays against the Arabs.”People are buying into it"https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/world/2017/5/5/15542242/marine-le-pen-french-elections-gay-outreach+"How, exactly, did the European far right capture gay voters and candidates? It was easier than you think."(*και δεν έχει να κάνει με τη Γιουροβίζιω και του γκλάμουρ και του γκλίτερ, i'm afraid) "(...) During the 1970s, many LGBTQ activists in Germany and elsewhere wanted not just to gain rights for themselves but fundamentally change society's views (...) but as gay rights activism adopted a more identity politics-focused strategy in the 80s and 90s (...) gay people became satisfied with being accepted as a minority and felt comfortable ignoring other social injustices that didn't directly affect them. "This kind of politics can easily be combined with nationalism,"(...)"If I push people down, I automatically look better, relatively speaking," (...) minority groups have a tendency to "close the door after themselves, or kick downwards"—which is to say, to work against the interests of other minorities once they have gained rights themselves."For gay people who still feel ostracized or marginalized in their daily lives, publicly joining or supporting right-wing populist parties allows them to demonstrate their belonging to the majority: "It's a protection mechanism." In the case of Alice Weidel, Küpper said, her anti-Muslim rhetoric allows her to distance herself from her outsider identity as a lesbian. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_nz/article/53ndzd/gays-really-love-germanys-racist-homophobic-far-right-party+Βέβαια, η άνοδος είναι ένα γενικότερο ζήτημα."It’s Not Just the Right That’s Voting for Bolsonaro. It’s Everyone"https://www.google.com/amp/s/foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/26/its-not-just-the-right-thats-voting-for-bolsonaro-its-everyone-far-right-brazil-corruption-center-left-anger-pt-black-gay-racism-homophobia/amp/
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