Η θαλάσσια διάσωση έλαβε χώρα ΒΔ της Τρίπολης. Σε πιο κοντινή απόσταση (στην ευθεία δηλαδή) είναι σαφώς η Λαπεντούζα. Η ιταλική αυτή νήσος βρίσκεται μεταξύ Μάλτας και Τυνησίας.Αναφορικά με την Τυνησία, τώρα:"A country must meet certain criteria to be considered a place of safety. This includes having a functioning asylum system with judicial safeguards and due process rights, such as the right to appeal a decision on detention or asylum. Currently Tunisia, while stable, has no functioning asylum system in place and as such, cannot legally be defined as a place of safety. The nearest places of safety for rescues in the Central Mediterranean are Italy or Malta".MSFsea (Médecins Sans Frontières)και επίσης:The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES), a Tunisian migrant aid organization, confirmed the information provided to InfoMigrants. "Tunisia is refusing to welcome these migrants at sea because it does not want to be seen as a 'safe port' by European states," a FTDES employee told InfoMigrants.https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/10759/migrants-left-stranded-off-tunisian-coast-we-only-eat-a-piece-of-bread-and-one-egg-per-day