...τα έχουμε ξαναματαπεί: είτε ακολουθούμε τους κανόνες [Code of Conduct (CoC)] του εκάστοτε Οργανισμού/Επιχείρησης με τ@ν οποίο έχουμε συνεργασία και κάνουμε μια χαρά την δουλίτσα μας, είτε παραβιάζουμε με πλήρη συνείδηση το Coc και υπάρχουν αναπόφευκτες συνέπειες (οι μαλακίες πληρώνονται). Παρ' ολ' αυτά η εργασιακή σχέση του Strumia με Cern ήταν σε καθεστώς GUEST ενώ με το University of Pisa, όπου δεν είχε πρόβλημα, κανονική απασχόλησης. Ο Στρούμια παραβίασε τους Κανονισμούς του Cern και υπήρξε εναλλακτικό πλάνο/πρόβλεψη για το ERC (european research council grant) που δεν τον απέκλεισε, αλλά του έδωσε την δυνατότητα να συνεχίσει στο πανεπιστήμιό του."Updated statement: CERN stands for diversity"(7/3/2019)(...) As Professor Strumia’s employer, the *University of Pisa* considered the recommendation of its ethics committee and decided to issue a public sanction against Professor Strumia, on 18 January 2019.At CERN, the incident was investigated in the light of the *internal Rules and Regulations and the Organization’s Code of Conduct*, which is based on CERN’s core values. As a result of its own investigation and following the decision taken by the University of Pisa, CERN decided not to extend Professor Strumia’s status of Guest Professor.In parallel, in an effort to ensure the continuity of the ERC grant, and in particular several young scientists’ employment contracts, *CERN and the University of Pisa have worked closely together to find a solution. The ERC has been made aware of the intention to transfer the ERC grant from CERN to the University of Pisa in order for the scientific research of Professor Strumia and his collaborators to continue there*. This will be done in accordance with the relevant provisions on the portability of ERC grants. (...) ----(1/10/2018)(...)CERN, like many members of the community, considers that the presentation, with its attacks on individuals, was unacceptable in any professional context and was *contrary to the CERN Code of Conduct*. It, therefore, decided to remove the slides from the online repository.https://www.lifo.gr/now/world/229078/to-cern-dioxnei-ton-kathigiti-poy-ekane-seksistika-sxolia
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