Tempelhof field had been at risk of being closed down as a park and being opened to construction in 2014, but in a referendum, Berlin's citizens decided to keep using the field as a public park. In September 2015 it was announced that the airport would become an 'emergency refugee shelter' for at least 1,200 refugees, but they are free to come and go from the main terminal building and their presence has not affected public access to the park.About 80% of the former airfield is an important habitat for several redlisted birds, plants and insects. Usage of the park was restricted to limit disturbance of some of these habitats.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Tempelhof_Airporthttps://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/mar/05/how-berliners-refused-to-give-tempelhof-airport-over-to-developers
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