Και κάτι ακόμη: Αυτά που έχουν επιλέξει να βάλουν στην αφίσα, οι φωστήρες της ημεδαπιάς, καθόλου τυχαία δεν είναι ...μάλλον απ' ευθείας απ' τα εξωτερικά έρχονται, κάτι που δεν είναι per se πρόβλημα (το να έρχεται κάτι απ' έξω, εννοώ). Σαφές πρόβλημα per se, όμως, είναι η έντεχνη δημιουργία κλίματος για τον μελλοντικό περιορισμό επί του δικαιώματος στην άμβλωση, διότι αυτό είναι το επιδιωκόμενο. μόλις τους "σηκώσει το κλίμα" (με μείωση χρονικών ορίων για έκτρωση κ.λπ.) όπως επιχειρείται εδώ (...κι όχι μόνο επιχειρείται):https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbeat_billhttps://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/abortion/6-week-bans+https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/abortion/timeline-attacks-abortion+"Fetal Heartbeat Bill Gets the Science and the Law Wrong"As the name suggests, the bill asserts that a fetus is “viable” when a heartbeat can be detected. It locates the basis for this claim in “modern medical science, not available decades ago.” [*Legislative findings quote the 2015 guidelines of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) identifying ultrasound as “the preferred modality to verify the presence of a viable intrauterine gestation.” But ACOG’s guidelines referred to “Early Pregnancy Loss,” or miscarriage management. The ACOG guidelines cited by the legislature address how to determine whether a pregnant patient has a viable pregnancy, not whether a fetus could survive outside the womb]. A fetus surviving outside the womb is the meaning of viability in abortion jurisprudence and popular understanding, not when a heartbeat can be heard.Members of ACOG would likely be distressed the guidelines are being misused to support the proposed legislation. The organization has strongly condemned fetal heartbeat legislation, emphasizing that viability of a fetus “occurs much later in pregnancy.” Bills such as the one being considered in Georgia would, according to ACOG, serve as an “outright ban on abortion for most women” and thus prevent clinicians from “providing ethical, necessary care to their patients.” In a strongly worded 2017 press release condemning a proposed federal fetal heartbeat bill, ACOG warned that it would “turn[] back the clock to … a time where women seeking to terminate a pregnancy were forced to resort to self-induced and back alley abortions, which often resulted in serious complications and death.”(...)https://www.jurist.org/commentary/2019/03/lois-shepherd-bill-gets-science-and-law-wrong/...[*] Άκου, λέει, τα νομοθετικά findings εντέχνως συγχέουν την βιωσιμότητα εκτός μήτρας (22 εβδομάδες έντευθεν) με τα πρώτα δείγματα βιώσιμης κύησης!!!
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