Τελικώς, μπορεί και να είναι αστοχία στην διατύπωση, καθώς ΑΛΛΟ πράγμα φαίνεται να κάνει ο αλγόριθμος [αυτό που μάλλον μας λέει και η λογική δλδ συνδυάζεις δοσμένα data + αλγόριθμο και βγάζεις (μη) πιθανούς φορείς του ιού του οποίους διαχειρίζεσαι α, β ή γ] βλέπε:Κορονοϊός στην Ελλάδα: Ποιες επαφές θεωρούνται υψηλού κινδύνου. Ο αλγόριθμος του υπουργείου Υγείας και του ΕΟΔΥ - Τα παραδείγματα που έδωσε ο Σ. Τσιόδραςhttps://www.google.gr/amp/s/www.newsbeast.gr/health/arthro/6060066/koronoios-stin-ellada-poies-epafes-theoroyntai-ypsiloy-kindynoy%3famp+Algorithm for the management of contacts of probable or confirmed COVID-19 caseshttps://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/algorithm-management-contacts-probable-or-confirmed-covid-19-cases-----Ανεξάρτητα απ' αυτό, εταιρείες εννοείται πως χρησιμοποιούν big data για την ανάδειξη επιδημιολογικών μοντέλων και τάσεων και ουχί μόνον, όπως βλέπουμε και παρακάτω:"How Digital Health Technology Can Help Manage The Coronavirus Outbreak"A.I. to detect the spread of an epidemicAt the beginning of the SARS outbreak, China covered up the existence of the virus from both its citizens and the world. Even though China seems to have become more transparent in those matters, some might still not be convinced. To circumvent those trust issues, artificial intelligence can be a solution.As a matter of fact, Toronto-based health monitoring A.I. platform Bluedot beat both the WHO and the CDC to the punch when issuing warnings about the Wuhan virus’ spread. It even correctly predicted the virus’ likely path from Wuhan to Tokyo after its initial appearance. Bluedot calls itself “a digital health company that uses big data analytics to track and anticipate the spread of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases”. By going through piles of information about news reports, airline data, and reports of animal disease outbreaks, Bluedot’s algorithm can identify a trend which is then analyzed by epidemiologists. The company then shares the information with its clients." (...)https://medicalfuturist.com/how-digital-health-technology-can-help-manage-the-coronavirus-outbreak/+Artificial Intelligence sent first coronavirus alert, but underestimated the dangerhttps://www.google.gr/amp/s/thenextweb.com/neural/2020/02/21/ai-sent-first-coronavirus-alert-but-underestimated-the-danger/amp/+Tech's role in tracking, testing, treating COVID-19As the cases of COVID-19, increase, we are seeing a rise in digital epidemiology tools, chatbot helpers, EHR guidance tools and rapid response test kits.https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/roundup-techs-role-tracking-testing-treating-covid-19
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