Το μονο που μπορείς να κανεις είναι να περιμένεις υπομονετικά να περάσει η εφηβεία σου
27.12.2012 | 05:48
apla dn xerw ti na kanw.....
eimaste entelws diaforetikoi!mou leei de thelw sxesh!tou lew egw omws eimai twn sxesewn k apla dn prokeitai na kanw kati mz sou gt thelw na me pareis sta sovara g ayto kalutera as mhn to proxwrhsoume gt gia mena h kathe kinhsh sou einai k apo ena synaisthhma!den katalavainei omws k t synexizei!eimaste sthn idia parea...pername tses wres mazi kai tsakwnomaste snxeiaaaa...egw t exhghsa k hmoun xekatharh mz tou ekeinos omws DE LEEI TPT OTAN TN RWTAW,th mia einai psuxros k thn allh einai tso kalos mz m..me filaei k liwnw apla!!!eimai pl mperdemenh..mou leei mia mera oti tairiazoume k oti de thelei na me plhgwsei k pws kai ekEinos einai synaisthhmatikos apla tn exoun plhgwsei pl oi sxeseis p eixe st parelthon!parola ayta to mono p kanoume einai na tsakwnomaste..na mh milame g liges meres k mt na faswnomaste!ela p omws prin ta xristougenna p eimastan mz me rwthse ti niwthw g keinon??e,dld eleos..dn xerei ti thelei!!!!!!kai mantepste pali eimaste tsakwmenoi gt ematha pws goustare palia mia filh m..ennoeitai pws hthela na mathw an ayth h fhmh isxuei k tn rwthsa k m apanthse oxi!parola ayta dn m stelnei oyte ena mhn oute me pairnei thl.prospathhsa na t milhsw st fb se koinh synomilia me thn filh m(kathws oi 3 mas kanoume pl parea)k apla apanthse mpaaa dn exw orexh thelw na paw na koimhthw!!!dn xerw ti na kanw alhtheia!!pws na tou milhsw otan tn xanadw??h na tn agnohsw pantelws opws kanei k keinos??TN THELWWW.....