6.10.2017 | 17:11
I can't forget you
Dear R,It's now been almost two months since our last date. I didn't expect it to be the last forever... Since then you've been acting like you've forgotten our nights, our beautiful moments after work when you were taking me out for beers and danced with me and told me the best jokes and kissed my lips. My heart can't forget you. I don't believe you when you say you love her, if you only loved her and your heart was always with her you wouldn't have kissed me like you did. I want you to give a second chance to this thing that could have been us two. I feel it, (and I am very sure about it) that us two together would be the most beautiful thing the world has never seen. Why do you say you're not good enough for me? Why do you think I can't love you and you can't love me like you love her? I just want us two to be together. I feel that this is when all our problems will stop. I hope you change your mind and come back to me. Because I can love you like no one has ever loved you before. HUG from SJ.