Γιατί έχεις τέτοια υπέροχη συμπαγής δομή στον λόγο και δομείς την ευγλωττία σου τόσο ακριβής; Μπράβο σου!!!! Δεν έχω ιδέα γιατί οι μαλάκες σου έδωσαν dislike μα συνέχισε το έργο σου. Ανακαλύπτω έναν άνθρωπο που δεν τα παρατάει ούτε με χέρι κομμένο.
9.8.2017 | 07:54
I must stop being a pussy and shake like a fish when people shout at me...
Things told. This made me lose the woman of my life that at least has some spine. I only have spine when I am emotional and discuss emotionalistic stuff. That means I am a failure of a man and a human being. This all comes from our families... you see my girlfriend is of nationality that is fucking mentally strong but not κρυοκωλοι like Anglo-Saxons. They are too fucking headstrong and eccentric, so she like a hipster. I admit I don't have so much manly characteristics. I must attain them by testosterone heightening and sociality. For now singing and music have to wait I will not waste any time. And I must surpress negative emotions until they are erased completely. Suck to be me and born to a fucking villager-drunkard brainless illogical father and a mentally unintelligent illogical senile mother. But then again they are worse... that doesn't mean of course we should stay to the shitty backgrounds and we must fill them with our colours.