9.5.2013 | 16:28
http://sensoryanalysis.blogspot.gr/Once upon a time there was a little girl.She was afraid of the dark. She couldn't sleep alone at night.She loved a little teddy bear She was holding him tight to fall asleep.She called him LIGHT to have the feeling he was enlightening her dreams.Time passed and the little girl became a beautiful woman.She met love.Gradually LIGHT was replaced by a man that took her fears away. She was feeling happy with him but not complete.One day, fate decided to take him away from her.She cried a lot for many nights.She couldn't live without him, she couldn't forget.She was sad and afraid of sleeping alone again.She needed LIGHT, but couldn't find him.He was lost together with her innocence.The sorrow of her loss became softer and softer every night.After some time she was finally sleeping without effort and fear, alone. Suddenly she realized that LIGHT was living inside her.She was neither afraid of the dark anymore, nor being alone. Another love came in her life soon after.This time it was her true love.Maybe it was a love for a new man, maybe for herself.She lived happily ever after.THE END.