Όλοι έχουμε πράγματα που θέλουμε να τα βγάλουμε από μέσα μας. Αλλά διστάζουμε να τα παραδεχτούμε ακόμα και στους πιο κοντινούς μας ανθρώπους. Όμως, αμαρτία εξομολογημένη, αμαρτία δεν είναι...

16.1.2015 | 12:19

Ο ψεύτης και η τρελή

Θα μπώ κατευθείαν στο θέμα: Είμαστε μαζί 1 1/2 χρόνο και βρίσκω στο facebook του συνομιλία με μία φίλη του απο το εξωτερικό. Εγώ σε αυτή τη συνομιλία βλέπω έρωτα, πρόταση γάμου και παρακίνηση για να αφήσουν τις σχέσεις τους (ειναι και εκείνη δεσμευμένη). Αυτός στη συνομιλία βλέπει φιλία ΜΟΝΟ και φυσικά οτι εγώ ειμαι τρελή που βλέπω άλλα απο αυτόν. Σας παραθέτω τη συνομιλία και θα ήθελα να μου απαντήσετε. ΑΥΤΗ: Dearest τάδε, you did not tell me earlier, but of course there has been something between us which also kept me caught in many more than one day dream, for example I do not know how many times I thought through the idea of having a child with you.However, though the mind is circling around possibilities I also think an somehow be sure that we won't share such kind of life, relation ship with each other. Not to forget that actually both of us have partners, looking the photos of Tassa and you, both of you really seem to be happy.I feel for myself more and more that the time has come to be alone after so many years with a man, different men on my side - simply alone. That is currently the most promising perspective for me. This also has much to do with the urgency and my strong need for transformation, which seems to be easier realizable alone. I am so much into the longing of living a life with more and more awareness, waking up, dropping step by step mind games, roles, society dramas, ambitions... As you can imagine from reading these words - yes I am still in India and there are strong parts within myself saying that I do not want to go back but better to live the life of a nunI guess this will also change soon, I am just coming out of 11 days silence, mediation and few possibilities to look outside, but many to look within. It is such a tough and great experience.I hope to see you soon and at one point we should really travel together, an adventurous travelling. My friend, take car, with hugs Η ΤΑΔΕΚΑΙ Η ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΤΟΥ:Dear ΤΑΔΕ,Well, it's like you're in my mind! I think we both are in the same state of mind regarding our feelings. I am thinking about you a lot too, and fantasizing having a family together. However, I also think that you are already with another man, and that you have your own plans that do not include me. And this is the reason I haven't ever spoke about my feelings for you, but I think I have already shown them in many ways.Anyway, dreaming is nice but reality is different. On the other hand, as I have already told you about the future, it is the same with reality: it is what we make it. So, thinking and talking a little more about our possibilities is worth it. Of course if you don't want to, never mind. As far as my current happiness is concerned, I am not in the best mood ever, on the contrary I have already decided that this is not what I really want and I will make changes soon.......Give a hug and a kiss to the new baby for me. I know your own baby will come soon, so just practice a bit nowFollow your heart!ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ ΕΚΦΡΑΣΤΕΙΤΕ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΑ!!


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