27.11.2012 | 20:25
Θέλω να βγώ έξω και να αρχίσω να τραγουδάω όσο πιο δυνατά μπορώ. Μπας και ακούσουν. Μπας και ακούσουμε.Τόσοι πολλοί, τόση πολλή μοναξιά..God knows what is hiding in this world of little consequenceBehind the tears, inside the liesA thousand slowly dying sunsetsGod knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken heartsGuess the loneliness came knockingNO ONE NEEDS TO BE ALONE, OH SAVE MEPeople help the peopleAnd if you're homesick, GIVE ME YOUR HAND AND I'LL HOLD ITPeople help the peopleNothing will drag you downOh and if I had a brain, Oh and if I had a brainI'd be cold as a stone and rich as the foolThat turned, all those good hearts awayhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmLNs6zQIHoGive me your hand and I'll hold it..