26.8.2014 | 02:21
Στην υγεία μας "πριγκίπισσες"
“I wish I were a princess” – or daddy’s little girl, not much difference nowadays. “I wish I had all the money in the world to take care of my body, my dressing room and buy drinks for all of my friends on a night out”. Is it the money, the clothes and the casual drinks? Is it the comfortable position of not having to worry about everyday life? Not very sure as I am not a princess and given the percentage of single Princes out there right now, not very likely that I will become one any time soon.Before you feel sorry for me, let me tell you one thing. What I do in life is impressive – I may not have to bow to the king of Indonesia with a lovely smile in my face, but it is still hard and challenging. I am a young and very keen woman, to take over the world.Now you may say, welcome to the club. Well - happy to join you. What I am about to say right here, is why not being a princess, may not be such a bad deal after all. You see, I may not live in a palace but I do stand up on my own feet. I am a 23-year-old woman that is independent. And on top of this, I have found my passion in life and I am ready to pursue it (and on a wonderful side note, get paid for it as well).I have a wonderful boyfriend that loves me, just the way I am (Bridget Jones style), I have friends that come and go but also friends that are here to stay. I have worries, career uncertainties, parents that worry for the sake of it and a lot of eagerness to take up new challenges. I am free and curious – I feel alive and powerful.I may not have a perfect body and a charming prince to support my lifestyle but I do keep holding on. My style, my ride - and you know what? Buying a tiara may have done the thing but I am not a princess – I am a conqueror of my potentials and there’s no tiara that can beat this one for sure.So I raise my glass to all of us ladies – ready to conquer the world! Ή αλλιώς, στην υγειά μας «πριγκίπισσες»!Modern life #princess.