18.3.2018 | 01:31
You'll know it when it'll come.
I was always wondering how it is to be in love. Every time I was thinking " was that what being in love felt like? was it love? and if it is, how would I know?" You don't. You don't know until it'll come. And when it'll come,it'll hit you hard, like a brick in the head. It would either be "love at first sight" or it'll take its time to grow. And almost a year ago,it did. It was morning, and I was heading to the dining room of the hotel. I heard a voice of someone yelling. I turned my head and saw you, sitting on the couch next to the reception, playing on your phone. It took me seconds,maybe it was a minute...I was standing there paralyzed and you didn't even noticed. It was not just a brick in the head. It was a whole building of emotions collapsing on me. And I took it all. I fall in love and I never came out of it.Mi manchi,M.-S.