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When I say we are open to investors I mean serious investors to put money not the Sarah the Marah and the bad encounter.
— Alexis International (@Tsipras_int2) July 4, 2017
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Μια χωριάτικη και 9 μπυρες παιδι pic.twitter.com/RxrSaW2iZc
— Δημόσιος Υπάλληλος (@Tou_Dhmosiou) July 4, 2017
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Το Google Doodle της ημέρας ;-)
BREAKING: Google pays tribute to 2015 Greek Referendum with this #OXI inspired #GoogleDoodle pic.twitter.com/2Uc3uIIosF
— Spiros Vathis (@sVathis) July 5, 2017
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