29.11.2015 | 21:44
Law of Attraction - God - Energy - The Matrix = How do they mix?
The law of attraction is energy attracting like energy to it. It is always working whether u believe it or not, or are aware of it or not. In this reality there is a time delay in manifestations for so many reasons. (Beliefs, thoughts, feelings, expectations, conscious & subconscious mind, spiritual development, your understanding, your unique perspective, the way you've grown up, the way your mind is programmed & conditioned right from birth etc.) In other realms of higher vibrational frequencies things can manifest instantly. This current realm that our conscious is perceiving is not as closely connected to God as other higher realms. God is everything in existence. Everything is energy. Everything is connected. All of existence is a projection which comes from the one mind; God. The projections themselves are apart of God. There is no such thing as a second mind in all of existence. There is only one mind. With the illusion of separate minds/souls, in separate bodies, in different species, in different realms. We are all literally the one mind. U are just another part of me. I am just another part of u. We are not 2 separate minds. We are one & the same. We are all apart of the one mind experiencing ourselves subjectively. God has split up its perception into countless different ways, into countless different life forms, into countless projected realities, in such a tremendous complex way that u cannot even comprehend. Energy is within everything that exists. All matter is a compressed slowed down form of energy. In order to create anything energy is needed. In order for life to exist energy is needed. No energy = no God = no life. Which is impossible. Energy always exits, God always exits, life always exists. We are all immortal & eternal. The matrix is the false reality u see around u. It is a holographic illusion being projected out by our minds. Which our minds are being projected out from yet another mind in another reality. Which is being projected out by another & another in such a tremendous complex web of minds & realities. Which are all being projected out by God; our true selves. We are the imagination of ourselves. A mind while in this reality cannot escape the matrix. However u can awaken to a certain extent & become aware of the matrix. But u cannot fully come out of the matrix until ur physical body dies. Even then u will be in yet another matrix, but one that allows u more knowledge & freedom & a closer connection to your true self. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090706223010AAWAsWy