"Δεν έχουμε δει ποτέ τον Κάρι Γκραντ, τον Γκρέγκορι Πεκ και τον Γκάρι Κούπερ μαζί σε ταινία του παλιού Χόλιγουντ. Στα γεράματα τους, ακολουθούσαν το νόμο της προσφοράς και της ζήτησης (τον σκληρό κανόνα του θεάματος που καθηλώνει με ανασφάλεια ακόμη και τον πιο διάσημο, καλοπληρωμένο, κακομαθημένο ηθοποιό) και τους ρόλους που συμφωνούσαν με την ηλικία τους. Και δεν μιλάμε για τις γυναίκες, τις καπριτσιόζες ντίβες, των οποίων ο εγωισμός δεν θα επέτρεπε εύκολα τη συγκατοίκηση,...".Terrible, and slightlly misogynistic, logic. Male stars were not any less capricious and demanding than female stars. And they did not have to face the enormous (and unfair) odds a female star, of a certain age, had to. Female stars, past the age of 40 (sometimes 35), were never offered parts where they played sexually desirable beings (let alone desired and loved by much younger male co-stars). They played mostly alcoholic has-beens, pitiable spinsters, or deranged old women. Compare this with the parts offered to Cary Grant and Gary Cooper, and you see how thoughtless your comparisons are. Do you know of any film where either Cary Grant or Gary Cooper played old, defeated, disturbed and bitter old men? Playing roles suited to their age, my ass! Do you know of any film where the 55 year old Bette Davis nets her young, hunky co-star, after the latter falls for her, and where an actress only a year older than herself plays her mother? I know of such film, it is called 'North by Northwest' (1959) and stars Cary Grant (born 1904). Or, indeed, 'Charade' (1963), where he plays the sexy agent, suave, elegant and in full active service, with a young Audrey Hepburn falling for him . Imagine a female star of the same age playing a similar role, not then and not now. The same goes for Gary Cooper, in 'Love in the Afternoon' (1957), the 56 year old Cooper is the young A. Hepburn's (she again) object of desire. It is she who pursues his playboy billionaire. By the way, Morgan Freeman (76) and Michael Douglas (an ephebe at 69), are considered 'middle aged'? (!!!). When do we men start to be considered 'old age' in your (and popular culture's) opinion? When we are over 90? Three months into our graves?