μη νομίζεις,οι απορρίψεις θα σου φτιάξουν το καλύτερο βιογραφικό.όχι για τη δουλειά,αλλά για τη ζωή.
12.11.2012 | 21:58
ετσι ειναι τα mail απορριψης
καπως ετσι πριν λιγο εφαγα την πρωτη μου απορριψη για δουλεια εξω...Dear applicant,Thank you for your application for this position.We received a large number of strong applications and after a first evaluation of all the CVs, we are sorry to inform you that you were not selected for the short list of candidates to be interviewed.We hope you'll be able to find a suitable position in the near future.Best wishes,