2.2.2016 | 19:30
betrayal .....Yes, this is what I feel
There is a particular sort of betrayal that is more insidious and equally corrosive to trust... the betrayal of disengagement.... Of not caring.... Of letting the connection go.... Of not being willing to devote time and effort to the relationship...whatever type of relationship.It's the betrayal of never having had a real relationship at all, but only made to believe you did for the purpose of cultivating feelings of trust, love and loyalty to use later to destroy it. It is the intentional infliction of the deepest wound possilble against a person with a heart and soul.SELFISHNESS!!!In Dante's Inferno betrayers were sent to the Ninth Circle, the lowest level of hell!!!! Αυτο εκανες. Ξερεις τι λενε οι ειδικοι οτι εισαι; PSYCHOPATH!!!!!!Και εγω την πατησα.Αλλα σιγα σιγα θα περασει. Και τοτε....Αντε γεια μ...κα