(Όχι) ο αληθινός Morrissey! [Και μια αναπάντεχη επιστολή.]

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Στην παρωδία στεροτυπικών πραγμάτων που λέει ο "Morrissey" ακούμε και τη λέξη Julia. Μια λέξη που ο πραγματικός Morrissey λέει συνέχεια στις συναυλίες του.

Η Julia είναι η Νο1 φαν του. Τον ακολουθεί σ' όλο τον κόσμο, έχει το επίσημο (φαν)σάιτ του το True-To-You.net και ο Morrissey την αναγνωρίζει σε κάθε συναυλία του και τη χαιρετά.

"Τι έφαγες σήμερα για πρωινό" συνήθως ξεκινάει την κουβέντα τους αυτός, κι η Julia απαντά, ένα μπισκότο, μια μπάρα δημητριακών, οτιδήποτε.

Η σχέση του Morrissey με τους φαν του είναι ιδιαίτερη. Όταν ο τραγουδιστής έμαθε πέρσι για το θάνατο μιας φαν του (την οποία επίσης έβλεπε σχεδόν σε κάθε συναυλία του, της έδινε το μικρόφωνο, μιλούσαν) έγραψε μια δήλωση. Την έστειλε (πού αλλού) στο σάιτ της Julia για δημοσίευση.

Είναι αναπάντεχη - και συγκινητική. Την παραθέτω στο πρωτότυπο.

30 April 2010

Statement from Morrissey

My trusted ally Janice Long has passed news on to me of the sudden death of Melinda Hsu. I did not know Melinda personally, but I felt as if I did because she had been a front row fixture for many years. In fact, from her many letters and gifts I understood her name to be Mel Torment, or even, when she felt at her most pernickety, Smel - which I'm certain was not her given name.

Mel was a smiling face who lent strength to every single concert, even when events were going somewhat pear-shaped. I felt as if I knew Mel because she was always there - regardless of wherever 'there' happened to be; no snowbound landscape too far, no off-the-beaten track too untrekkable. I often handed her the microphone mid-concert and she would always make an effort to say something different each time.

What is more, she always seemed so happy to be there on the front row, even though she had heard these live renditions enough times to emaciate the brain of the most inherently decent devotee. However, she was booed by the audience once - in Killarney, when she asked (via microphone) with a tone of disbelief "why Killarney?" but I don't think she meant the contorted snootiness assessed by the rest of the audience because she was not that type.

Those who travel from concert to concert as Mel did possibly don't realize the contribution they make. They are as much a part of the night as I am, but I sometimes feel embarrassed because I think they are asking for more than there is, and, mustily, I can't give it. The goat-like vocals and the tipsy monologues are all that I am.

Mel had passed a note to me at Pomona saying that it would be her final concert of the tour. Yet, hours later, in another venue, there she was again. Even after all she had done, even after all the money she had spent and the millions of miles she had hiked she still could not keep away from the squeeze and bend of yet another version of "First of the gang to die" - never imagining, I'm sure, that it is she who would be the first.

As ever delighted and content at Ventura (where we gave our final bow), I cannot imagine whatever it was that Mel believed she saw or felt as she fixed upon the stage night after night, year after year.
Her contribution was a declaration of love for which she seemed to save all of her strength, and for which I could only ever repay with half-witted mumbles of thanks.

The only way to deal with Mel's death is to accept it. There is no other way. We all have a certain unbreakable appointment and we are all helpless targets in that regard. Life's only promise is its final deadline.

When Mel, and others who are dear to us, depart, we should at least realize as we shuffle along living our small and persecuted lives, how absolutely ridiculous it is to be afraid of anything or anyone on this unhappy planet. Most people are standardized and unoriginal, which is useful, because it makes the Mels of the world stand out even more.

Rich in ideas, her self-made calendars and t-shirts were always very funny. You will catch up with her in the afterlife, where I'm sure she will be as creative and busy and as Mel Torment as ever.

Thank you to Julia at True-to-you for printing this.

France, april 2010.



Οι προβληματικές, βαθιά σεξιστικές δηλώσεις του Δημήτρη Παπανώτα για την «υστερία» των γυναικών - Μικροπράγματα

Mικροπράγματα / Οι προβληματικές, βαθιά σεξιστικές δηλώσεις του Δημήτρη Παπανώτα για την «υστερία» των γυναικών

«Υστερικές» όσες μιλούν συνεχώς για τα γυναικεία δικαιώματα και «τα θέλουν» όσες είναι θύματα καταπίεσης και δεν το καταγγέλλουν, μάς ενημερώνει ο υποψήφιος ευρωβουλευτής, Δημήτρης Παπανώτας.