Τα Hangover Diaries ξεκίνησαν σαν μια δικαιολογία για την καταγραφή των χαμένων αναμνήσεων και στιγμών ανάμεσα σε party και μεθυσμένες συγκεντρώσεις. Σιγά σιγά γέμισαν και με τις άδειες ώρες που τριγυρνώ στην πόλη, στο σπίτι μου, στα σπίτια φίλων, στα ταξίδια. Η επιλογή του ασπρόμαυρου έγινε γιατί οι εικόνες αυτές είναι αναμνήσεις. Δικές μου αλλά και των φίλων μου και έτσι είναι καταδικασμένες να είναι μισές, φλουταρισμένες, ακαδράριστες χωρίς να μπορεί κάποιος να θυμιθεί τι φορούσε ή που ακριβώς ήταν εκείνο το βράδυ. Όπως ένα τραγούδι που ακούς σε ένα bar σου αρέσει αλλά δεν ξέρεις ποιο είναι.
Με αυτό το post ξεκινάνε οι συνεργασίες με άτομα από όλο τον κόσμο που κρατούν ημερολόγιο. Έτσι μπερδεύονται διαφορετικά timelines και νευριάζουμε το σύμπαν.
Ο Filip Adrian Dziegielewski είναι Πολωνός, ζει και εργάζεται στο Μιλάνο.
Harrie Photoharrie
dear filip
i really like the 100 days of sadness project. i myself have a photo blog diary its called ''hangover diaries'' and i upload it at the Lifo's site. Lifo is an athenian free press where i work as a photographer. i would like to collaborate in a common project where the 2 different diaries meet. what do u think?
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
Dear Harrie,
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
I am happy that you like it and I would love to collaborate on whatever. I like the hangover diaries - they're sad. or maybe it's just because black and white photos make me sad.
how were you thinking that our diaries would meet?
Harrie Photoharrie
ive started drinking whiskey again this week
Harrie Photoharrie
i used t be a vodka person
but i think im depressed
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
I also started with whiskey and no vodka anymore
and I am certainly depressed
some days I would just stay in bed and wait the night to come
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
I don't know
it's just like that
I'm only ok when I'm drunk
I had an idea - I could make one of your hangover diaries and you could make one of my videos
Harrie Photoharrie
but u hav t take black n white pictures
and i will have your crazy video effects
Harrie Photoharrie
the hard thing is to write an essay about your diary and mine
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
and I have no problems to take black and white pictures
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
tell me something more about hungover diaries - do you take the pictures during a whole week and then put them together?
Harrie Photoharrie
its like a day
or night
but noone knows
so u can do whatevah y like
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
Harrie Photoharrie
tell me about your videos
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
I guess I will make it in three days or something
well, it's very easy
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
the basics is you just film yourself telling a sad story about you or someone you know
not longer than 15 minutes
and you have the fancy background
that's it
I made some variations, but it would be nice if you made the basic version
Harrie Photoharrie
n for the h diary
u have t give a name
the title of a song
and a line from the lyrics
Harrie Photoharrie
you will find it with the photos
i always put the title after i choose the pics
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
Is there a policy about the pictures, like, I guess no cocks and no stabbed animals
Harrie Photoharrie
no its not that
its like all the pics
are not fictional
Harrie Photoharrie
the concept is i dont make the pictures
its like documentary
i havent put any of my art project
but yoyr gonna give your reality
so send your daily life
with cocks n everything
everything u like
Filip Adrian Dziegielewski
I have this friend that kind of often comes at my place, gets naked and begs me to take pictures of him
so probably cocks will be included