Songs That Saved Your Life

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I have a good friend with whom I used to discover songs and together, we made lists of the ones we liked. Then, on Sundays, we would always choose acoustic or folk songs, old or new, to listen to. And with these, we made compilations for our trips and took them with us. 


Two years ago, we went to a music festival, and with that same enthusiasm that we’ve always had, we got there first thing in the morning, long before the artists we were expecting appeared.  It was there that I first heard Brendan Rogers, not knowing anything about him or his music. I sat and listened to the whole set, listening to the lyrics and trying to catch the words of the songs that I didn’t know.  When he had finished, he came down and sat with a group of friends next to my own group, and, although I wanted to speak to him and tell him how much I had enjoyed his songs, because I was shy, I didn’t do it.  We went on to other stages, saw other performers and, at some point, he was sitting beside me sending messages on his mobile.   Then, without really thinking about it, I said hello and began asking him various things about music. Now I think about it, perhaps I was a bit chatty, but I was so enthusiastic that I couldn’t stop to put my questions in any order.  That evening, at home, while we were sorting out our photos from the festival, we listened to the songs which he had uploaded  on MySpace and since then, there have been other songs, interviews and videos from other appearances.  From email addresses we went onto the pages on Facebook so that we could share news.  


Sometimes, a song that you’ve heard somewhere by chance remains inside you, and while you are trying to remember which one it is, there comes a moment when it comes back to you and then, looking back at the moments which it brings with it, you realize what it means to you. Like a picture inside your head which, after a while, becomes reality. 



That same year, I left my job, moved house and tried to decide what I wanted to do.   I was staying with a guy that I knew a bit, through friends and acquaintances. And, through sharing a flat together, we got to know each other. During the day, we listened to music, and in the evening, we watched films. One evening, we watched ‘Lost in translation’ again and when it had finished, he said to me: “That’s the most unlikely story that could ever happen to you, but in the most likely way.”  And I remembered an old friend of mine, Oliver, who I first met one afternoon in a café.   Strangers in town as we both were, we had coffee together and decided to find a place to stay together. And since that year we have remained the best of friends, even though we’ve lived a long way apart for many years now.


You told me that you can miss someone that you haven’t even met, and I can understand you.   About all the relationships that we’ve had and which lasted anything from minutes to years. And if they were trivial, they became important, and they held their place, like another wrinkle on our body, because what you always wanted is to share.  And when we had a misunderstanding over that, I told you that a moment isn’t measured in time, it only stays with you, and with that, you laughed with me again  


This year, at the same festival, I saw Brendan Rogers again, after all that time, and as we sat for a bit with his friends, he told me about his plans, the album which, in a short while would be released and the Standon Calling Festival, which takes place on 4th August.  I wanted to tell him my story about ‘Lost in Translation’ and how happy I was that his video for the new single ‘Frozen Time’ was made with scenes from the film, but I didn’t get round to it. About Oliver, with whom, without our even being acquainted, I had spent a really good year, and about the people who, without our even knowing them well, come fleetingly into our lives and, in time, take a place in our hearts.. 


If the last single "Show Me Your Heart", was a song of love, like a promise that you are sure you can keep, then "Frozen Time" is a moment which stops time, like a feeling of safety in a picture, which slowly fades within you. 


"Frozen Time" is the song that starts the new Sunday compilation, we've made with my friend, for our next trip. On 4th August, at Standon Calling.

I’ll tell him there. 






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Δ. Πολιτάκης / Όχι άλλο κάρβουνο: Αφήστε το αναρχικό άστρο να λάμπει στην πλατεία Εξαρχείων και καλές γιορτές

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