22.6.2013 | 17:00
random thoughts.
You know the worst feeling is when you need support but there’s no one there. And you can’t blame them. Everybody has its own life, schedule, worries. You can’t demand from people to be there for you when you need them. Orson Welles, once said that we’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone. But if we don’t have friends, or the friends that we have are far away, or they have too many problems themselves? What if we don’t have a lover; someone to cuddle with at night and sleep. Someone who will make you feel safe enough in order to have sweet dreams. Who will send the nightmares away. What if you were never kissed by those sweet lips, touched by these soft fingers, if your heart never beat like a crazy music instrument.Many people believe that if you have money then you must be happy. I think money can help people hide their sadness. Fool themselves for a while; like a candy that will soon be over. How can you crave something you have never lived? I want to lie on your chest, to hear your heartbeat all night long like a sleepless guard. I just want to love and be loved. I just want to vanish distance and be with my friends. To hear them laugh, see them smile. To feel my moms caress.It’s like sinking in the middle of the ocean. And there is no matter how hard you will scream, how loud you will ask for help, because you are in the middle of nowhere. All you can do is float there until you have no energy left, till your soul relinquishes the body. But you can’t give up just like that. Not because it’s hard for you to do it. Because you cannot do this to those who love you. You cannot imagine them suffering from your loss. All these nights sitting by the window staring at the sky. Trying to distinguish the stars behind the city lights. Some nights you can see them, other it’s too hard. And you close your eyes and imagine how it would be to let yourself fall. We all have our struggles. Some of us know how to cope with them, some know how to get over them, others let them conquer their lives and other put on their elegant smile and go out. You can seem happy all day long. You can laugh, you can tell jokes, you can be sarcastic and everything. But the monsters come out at night. When you are lying alone on the bed, when there’s no one to hold your hand, to sing you a lullaby to sleep. Then you feel haunted. And one night you leave a little light on to keep the monster away and you realize you are your own nightmare. They say the most important relationship in our life is the one we have with our self. Unfortunately we never had one. It’s not easy living hating who you are, how you look. One day you will have to love who you are and start living YOUR life, not just live.*Θα διασχίσεις ένα πρωινό τον κόσμο και θα είναι πιο όμορφα κι από ένα όνειρο .