28.5.2015 | 01:04
Να στειλω .. Να μη στειλω !
Θελω την άποψη σας να στειλω η οχι το παρακάτω κείμενο ; Ειναι στα αγγλικά διοτι σπουδάζω στο εξωτερικό και ο παραλήπτης ειναι Άγγλος . Καθε άποψη χρήσιμη Ευχαριςτωωωω Ε. (22) I think once I told you that as a person I'm complete honest and that sometimes can be a bad thing, so guess what this is me being terribly honest . I know that u are going back to England only for a few months and I'll probably see u again , but my life experiences taught me to take nothing for granted so for some weird reason I need you to know the things that I'm about to say . Its really surprisingly how you cross paths with 100s of people , you may even hang out a lot with them , share things , memories but they don't actually influence u , and then there are these few people that you may have nothing in common and not even be close to but because of the right time , maybe because they said the right thing or maybe just because they are so true they affect you . You told me that I don't look like a person that ever got hurt, that couldn't be further from the truth . But I don't blame you that's what I learned to do best , always to turn the attention everywhere else, so that no one will consider the possibility of me not having a perfect life ! Every aspect of my life was always full of drama friends,boyfriends,studying,family and believe me I'm not talking about easygoing drama . So I though that's how it had to be, always surrounded with people as emotionally damaged as me , never letting anyone close enough expect from few people and Ofc believing that everything worth it never comes easy . All these till the moment that something happen and that was it , I had enough I had to start over , go as far away as possible. And I ended here , and I tried to change the pattern still trying but you know what they say bad habits die hard. But all these have nothing to do with you, you were different. And don't get me wrong I'm not talking about whatever was going on between me and you, i only refer to you as a friend , we are better this way anyway . Everything was simple with you , you never pretended to be something else , no drama , no games , you have this smile that nothing worries you , so calm . And it's this simplicity that I liked the most, but at the same time I was scared of . So yes if u want to know why I kept my distance why I disappeared at some point it's because I didn't know how to handle it . And then There is something about yr look ,like something/someone hurt you in the past , I could tell that something was holding u back .. I knew that look ! And you actually mentioned it that you changed after someone hurt you and that you don't won't to go through that again. So the purpose of the things that I'm writing till now is this ! ( his Name), you're one of the greatest people that I met this year you have great qualities and a lot of talents but mainly you are yrself and honestly happy and as simple as it sounds it's the Hardest thing to be . So I told you then I'm telling you now and this comes from a person that it's as emotionally unavailable as it gets .. don't be afraid to dream , don't be afraid to risk with people , isolating emotions may be easier but will never bring you closer to happiness , and you deserve it. Don't ever lose yr freedom and keep enjoying yr life at whatever you are doing . I learned that things can be different that things can be easy and fun at the same time and that I should stop complicate things that much . So I really admire you for that! Have fun in England !! (don't eat too much sushi