To ωραίο κόλλημα του Jonas Wood με τα αττικά αγγεία

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 Basically, there are cartoons...



 To ωραίο κόλλημα του Jonas Wood με τα αττικά αγγεία
Τον είχαμε κάνει κάποτε και εξώφυλλο στη LIFO


To ωραίο κόλλημα του Jonas Wood με τα αττικά αγγεία Facebook Twitter
To ωραίο κόλλημα του Jonas Wood με τα αττικά αγγεία Facebook Twitter
To ωραίο κόλλημα του Jonas Wood με τα αττικά αγγεία Facebook Twitter
To ωραίο κόλλημα του Jonas Wood με τα αττικά αγγεία Facebook Twitter

JS: Vessels and vases are a motif in your work. You did a series of drawings based on Greek vases at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Can you tell me about that work? You also collect contemporary ceramics. Who is featured in your collection?

JW: When I met my wife, Shio Kusaka, who is a ceramicist, I started looking at vessels. I became interested in the Greek pots. Like basketball cards, they have a shape and a form, and they have images that are very flat, graphic, and simple. Basically, there are cartoons on the sides of the pots that tell stories, often, athletic-related stories.

We have Ruby Neri ceramics, Ry Rocklen porcelain pieces, Akio Takamori's cast ceramics, and Patrick Jackson's giant coffee cups. The work of Magdalena and Michael Frimkess is very highly ranked in our collection. They are awesome. The work has these amazing qualities: the imagery, the shapes of the vessels, and the appropriation of Pop and art historical references. It is all in our wheelhouse of interest. Shio feels a special connection to them, and many other people do too. I've made paintings of their pots.

Ricky Swallow curated a show of the Frimkesses for David Kordansky Gallery. Ricky and Lesley Vance are friends with some of the coolest underground ceramicists and artists in Los Angeles; they keep bringing these people to life. And there is a huge history of ceramics in Los Angeles – artists like Ken Price, Peter Voulkos, and John Mason.

O Jonas Wood μιλά στην Jennifer Samet,  Beer with a Painter, LA Edition: Jonas Wood



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