Κρυμμένα αιδοία στα πιο απίστευτα μέρη

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Yπάρχει ένας σχεδόν εμμονικός λογαριασμός στο Instagram που βλέπει αιδοία παντού. Κυριολεκτικά, για το @Look_At_This_Pussy, υπάρχει ένας γυναικείος κόλπος σε σημεία που δεν φαντάζεστε. Στη φύση, στα ζώα, στην τροφή μας και στην αρχιτεκτονική. Σχεδόν 70.000 followers το βλέπουν τόσο ξεκάθαρα, όσο και οι δύο δημιουργοί του, η Eva Sealove και η Chelsea Jones.

Αυτή η ευρηματική θεώρηση των κοριτσιών που ζουν και εργάζονται στο Λος Άντζελες, ξεκίνησε σαν παιχνίδι και έγινε ένα εξαιρετικά δημοφιλές πρότζεκτ που είναι σε εξέλιξη. Οι πρώτες φωτογραφίες που έστελναν η μία στην άλλη, ήταν το τυπικό ερασιτεχνικό στιγμιότυπο, που βλέπεις κάτι, κάνεις συνειρμούς και το στέλνεις στο φίλο σου για να γελάσετε - κάτι σαν παρωδία.

Όταν γεννήθηκε αυτός ο λογαριασμός, στο παιχνίδι μπήκαν και άλλοι χρήστες που άρχισαν να στέλνουν τις δικές τους φωτογραφίες με τα "αιδοία" που εντόπιζαν. Τελικά καταλήγουν πως "Almost nothing is not a pussy" και αν έχετε λίγη φαντασία και διάθεση για σαρκασμό, θα συμφωνήσετε μαζί τους βλέποντας τις φωτογραφίες. 

Αν και έχουν καταφέρει να τηρούν τους αυστηρούς κανόνες λογοκρισίας του instagram, τα κορίτσια έχουν δεχθεί πολλά αρνητικά μηνύματα με χυδαία σχόλια η κατηγορίες πως το πρότζεκτ είναι προσβλητικό. Οι ίδεις δηλώνουν πως δεν έχουν καμιά διάθεση να προσβάλουν το γυναικείο σώμα και πως το κρυμμένο μήνυμα πίσω από την ιδέα αυτή είναι η αποδοχή και η αγάπη για αυτό.

the tale of Phryne, Grecian courtesan, go like this: while on trial at the Aeropagus for impiety, she bravely disrobed and expose her breasts before the judges, at which point they were like "dam ok. great point. duly noted” and decided to acquit. Phryne intimidated and manipulated a room of men with her body, flipping the narrative of many before her (like for ex Medusa of the snake-hair fame doomed to a life of being ‘hideous’ after Poseidon raped her smh). Phryne’s tale cool to think about bc 1. typical woman in Classical Athens have as much power as a pebble 2. she v literally tempted the wrath of the gods and they were like ‘nah guess what u good’. (Jan Lievens 1631 painting via @thegetty via @ianrays)

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

is everything a lie or is this the sweetest little grandma pussssy @ex_florist

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

Try this for a pizza topping: pussus. @cynthia_chaidez found these

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

a pussy named heather

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

Look up at it. Is sacrosanct cathedral pussy in the sky sky s/0 @joenankin

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

Do u remember the wonderment of childhood? Do u remember the first day you realized u had a pussy? Maybe u were alone like omf I found a HOLE the fuck? Sick. Maybe u were w sibling or other chile friends who were like yo that thing u have is diff from mine thing #childhoodcuriosity is normal and sexuality "begins" or like doesn't but female chile aren't like WHERE DID MY PENIS GO at any point in their development probably @Freud. Having a pussy is not traumatic in and of itself but sure, irl experience w a pussy certainly affected by ominous claw of gender expectation laying in wait to infuse daily life w shame.Be careful what u say to female chile don't shame them ever pls u have opportunity to be a Human @joenankin

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

She doesn’t want to be “de-sexualized.” She wants to be de-shamed, de-fetishized, de-criminalized, normalized. Sexualize the fuck out of her. She wants to live in her own body and find a home in it. She wants to be sexualized as an individual human person, not as a collection of parts, replaceable, adjustable, mutable, to the infantile omnipotence of whatever this “patriarchy” bullshit is that makes her unrecognizable to herself and that tells her that the physical part-- the most private, pleasurable part of her anatomy—is probably ugly and that she should probably apologize, probably be ashamed, that it smells, that it’s gross, that she’s dirty. Pls, give her pleasure, if she wants it, pls give her affection, if she wants it. Remember that she exists even when you’re not looking at her. @christinaalsing

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

lmao who made this??? but for #real talk tho it’s less about actually growing hairy ass armpits/etc and more about being absolved from the shame a divergent decision a person has made w/r/t their body/gender can incite w/r/t it being wrong or gross. and #furthermore we don’t have to pit (LOL!!!) those whose concerns lie within this realm against issues more pressing. for some v potent expropriation of gender politics pls take note of @thuggerthugger1 who put on a dress again this week and ppl like ‘UR GAY DUDE’ and he’s all “no i’m not gay’ and ‘ULGHH juhjuhHGE’. y’all can’t just chill and let the man look good in a tulle dress ??? @sarahlarnach

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

Because all I wanted was to love you and to make you feel loved @sdvw

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

She makes him feel dangerous. She's Pussy Catalano, always.....leaning. She smokes, but only because she'll never die. She looks him in the eye and tells him, "Why don't you go fuck yourself." @ladyganja

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

Rise to the occasion of your one and only pussy [stay warm] @tuuuski

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις

Remember in book by Judy Blume when boy is all "this is Ralph, he likes u" I/r/t his penipdick which is name Ralph and girl is all "suh, Ralph what rlly good?" What's in a name? That which we call a pussu by any other name would still smell as sweet. For example: minx, misty, pikachu, Baja Cantina, etc. (The Correct anatomical names go like this: what's on the outside is called a "vulva" and what's on the inside is called a "vagina," apparently everyone has been teaching us the wrong terms forever smh) Caitlin Moran says "I personally have a cunt" which is not necessarily part of everyone's lexicon. What do u prefer to call it pls? @edenmccormack

Μια φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε ο χρήστης look at this pussy (@look_at_this_pusssy) στις




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