19.8.2013 | 14:42
An Average Guy's "Fairy tale of Two Cities"
Fist thing's first; my name is T.C. and I live between a major metropolitan centre and a small city somewhere in Europe. I am of Greek origin, so I choose to share my "problem" with ya, compatriots. Excuse my non-Greek language, but the knowledge I bear regarding my mother tongue is so inadequate, that I wouldn't dare to use it in order to describe my situation. I hope that this confession shall come to your notice, regardless of the language I chose to communicate my story. Anyway, I consider myself an average guy, and here’s my own version of the "Fairy Tale of Two Cities": The whole inner dialogue commenced –let’s say- upon the 5th hour of this morning (local time). Cracking dawn and quite wasted I took my motor and went to see the sun rising from the highest part of my hometown in which I am staying for vocation. I grew up in a land that can be fairly classified as the most superficial city of my country of permanent residence, where a great part of the local men look like Hulk himself from steroids, drive exceptionally flashy cars and wear fancy clothes. They even have those “sleeve-tattoos” that look like they’ve just get out of prison or some weird Mexican ghetto, for all that matters. Regardless of all these, my sex life was not bad at all. I had the smarts, not bad at looks too. From sixteen years of age to my early twenties I felt ok. I could interact with women at ease, have glorious sex moments, even experience passions unfamiliar to that kind of age. Anyway, since my twenty-three years of age something shitty happened. Of course I was a senior in Law School, I finished “magna cum laude” and first of my year and up till now I’m a lawyer and a promising young scholar, as described by a seriously hot (although in her forties) professor of mine in an LLM session. Fuck all these crap, though. It’s almost I cannot connect with women as I used to… also it’s like there’s no chance meeting a decent one….; kind of being stripped off my mojo but worst…. Okay, I was not the king of dating, but I could work my charms effectively. Now, the whole thing is just pretty stalled. The only “I like you” signals I receive come from gay men (shitty thing, since I am straight), women at their forties (sometimes even 40 plus…) and women of my age, so lame that there is not an entry to the whole scale of lameness in order to describe them. Of course, summertime in Greece is a totally different story, with some of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen cruising around the magnificent maritime landscapes of this wonderful country, open to new experiences and willing to expand their horizons, meet new guys and -generally- have fun; but let’s face the facts: summer hook-ups are not enough, not even close…also the whole "Milf" thing, really is not sufficient. Contariwise, I feel terribly frustrated when I’m trying to get into the daughter’s pants and I’m ending up sipping tequilas with the mothers, who are eager to taste the young flesh. I divide the days of my life between a major metropolitan centre (let's name it X, where I’ m studying for my LLM and perform academic duties) and city X'(my hometown where I practice law). Most of my time I live in the latter, including most of the summers (since I can come to Greece only for a month. In City "X", I’m quite a catch (publications and academic superiority can turn on some seriously hot female lawyers in my LLM, plus the undergraduates that practically look up on guys like me as god almighty). The problem is that I spend most of my time in my home city ("X'"), where I’m practically invisible…No old-school mojo, no luck trying to present myself, nothing. I know some tricks, like the psychological games (i.e. make them believe that you are highly coveted and women shall come after you), plus a way or two to launch some seriously wicked pick-up lines but all this shit goes in vain, for women here act like the bloody Snow Queen. Yesterday, turned out to be the lamest day of my entire adulthood, so far. I was excited since an article of mine is to be published in an important American law journal. I felt that I could rule the world. I dressed up, took my motor, met my friends, drank tequila shots to celebrate the occasion and decided to send my personal misery to hell; I was constantly thinking and repeating to myself: “You are a good-looking guy, you are smart, funny, you are 25 years of age and have already quite a nice career ahead of you... better days are coming, and tonight you are going to meet an enchanting female, and this shall be the beginning of something seriously beautiful”… Poor bastard ... ... ... I worked my tricks, approached several guls to several bars (steaming hot women in summer-time garments in a city where even at night the temperature does not fall under 100-102°F, just the look of them suffices to turn any guy on).As you can imagine I got seriously frustrated… some of the girls where friendly enough, we had a lot of flirty talk, but when I tried to be more aggressive, they blew the whole atmosphere off…disappointment in a shot-like portion….I ended up totally drunk, witnessing the sunrise and feeling like the hero of an ancient Greek tragedy... I don’t know why I am telling these things to you. My mates believe that my sex life –outside my home city- is pretty nice and within my home town I can –at least- fuck milfs or the like, so I must be happy….but I’m not.I want women of my age to feel attracted to me, and I need this to happen within the borders of the city in which I stay for a longer spell of time… namely, "X'". I don’t want to end up like most of the guys I know (both macho, tattooed bastards and average guys) hooking-up in bars where women aged 20-25 y.o. offer company and affection for just something more than several drinks and some "tipping money". It is lame, awful and certainly not of my taste. The thing is there are tons of beautiful women around….I cannot help but wondering, why so few guys can make a connection, while me and the most men I know (regardless how good-looking, wealthy, muscular or clever they may be) do not have a chance….Bloody pure and simple injustice you Honour(!).All in all, I thank a n y p o o r b a s t a r d who’s going to read this confession for the time he/she’ll spend listening to the shitty story of my life. I thank you in advance,T.C., Lawyer LLM and most of allAn average guy.