13.3.2012 | 01:53
Nominalistic things
Gretel:I don't like his manner...Kurt:His attitude worries me...Lisel:I am troubled by a general air of forboding...MARIA:Yes, my life is also, on occasion, clouded by manners, attitudes and airs of foreboding.Brigita:So what do you do about it?MARIA:I simply think of noministically respectable things instead.Lisel:Dragons!!!All:Dragons????MARIA: It's all right... One need have no quarrel with dragons...The number 2 would be a far greater stain on the world's ontological purity than a mere dragon.Underground kingdoms and magical potions,Atomless matter and bottomless oceans:Though not terribly easy to find,Noministically, no one should mind...P.S: Sorry I run out of languages...