World peace is none of your business
You must not tamper with arrangements
Work hard and sweetly pay your taxes
Never asking what for
Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool

World peace is none of your business
Police will stun you with their stun guns
Or they'll disable you with tasers
That's what governments for
Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool

World peace is none of your business
So would you kindly keep your nose out
The rich must profit and get richer
And the poor must stay poor
Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool

Each time you vote you support the process
Each time you vote you support the process
Each time you vote you support the process
Brazil, Bahrain
Oh, Egypt, Ukraine
So many people in pain
No more you poor little fool
No more you fool

Στις λεζάντες αυτού του άρθρου:Ένα απόσπασμα από το ποίημα «Ειρήνη» του Γιάννη Ρίτσου.
Γιάννης Ρίτσος, Ποιήματα 1930-1960, Β΄ τόμος, Εκδόσεις «Κέδρος», Αθηνα 1961, σ. 173-174
*Απο το καινούριο άλμπουμ του Morrissey το World Peace Is None of Your Business