Το τραγούδι της ημέρας: ΟΝΟ - ΝΟ ΝΟ ΝΟ

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NO, NO, NO was written and sung by a woman who was in such a pain that her heart was cracking while she kept her mind clear so she could survive for herself and for her son. Of course that was me - right after John passed away. When John was still alive, he kept whispering to Sean that he will always be there for Sean and protect him. So when John left, Sean kept saying "Promise is made to be broken." Making it light than what it was. He was in pain. Sean loved this song. Each time when I sung "I don't remember what you promeeesed" and elongated the end of it, he used to let his body go down at the same time to the floor. I remember how hard it was for me to go through that period, especially, knowing how Sean was managing to hide his tears. Yoko

- Yoko Ono, 29 May 2011



Οι προβληματικές, βαθιά σεξιστικές δηλώσεις του Δημήτρη Παπανώτα για την «υστερία» των γυναικών - Μικροπράγματα

Mικροπράγματα / Οι προβληματικές, βαθιά σεξιστικές δηλώσεις του Δημήτρη Παπανώτα για την «υστερία» των γυναικών

«Υστερικές» όσες μιλούν συνεχώς για τα γυναικεία δικαιώματα και «τα θέλουν» όσες είναι θύματα καταπίεσης και δεν το καταγγέλλουν, μάς ενημερώνει ο υποψήφιος ευρωβουλευτής, Δημήτρης Παπανώτας.