Αφιέρωμα στην αμερικανίδα φωτογράφο και πρώην πινάπ γκερλ Bunny Yeager.

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Bunny Yeager's Darkroom: Pin-up Photography's Golden Era, κείμενο της Petra Mason και πρόλογος της Dita Von Teese. Εκδ Rizzoli (2012) Βλ. rizzoliusa.


Bunny Yeager's Darkroom: Pin-up Photography's Golden Era. Βλ. vintagesleaze.


Βλ. Strobist και Diario de una Pin Up frustrada.


Η Bunny Yeager (Linnea Eleanor Yeager το πραγματικό της όνομα) μπροστά και πίσω από το φακό. Βλ. Diario de una Pin Up frustrada.


Βλ. Philosophy of Science και pristine.webspaceforme.


Βλ. musicstack και budsartbooks.


Ετοιμασίες πριν τη φωτογράφιση. Βλ. PDNB Gallery. 


Η Bunny Yeager με την Bettie Page, την οποία ανέδειξε μαζί με το φωτογράφο Irving Klaw. Βλ. FilmmakerIQ.


Η Bettie Page σε μία φωτογραφία της Bunny Yeager. Βλ. art.1stdibs.


Bettie in Tree. Φωτ. Bunny Yeager. Βλ. Denise Bibro Fine Art.


Η Bettie Page και ο "κανίβαλος". Βλ. vernacularphoto (The Somewhat Racist Layout of a Pinup Queen ...).


Βλ. jeanjeanie61.tumblr και All Day Art.


Βλ. iconicmemorabilia και icollector.


Αριστ. η Bunny Yeager. Βλ. icollector. Δεξ., φωτογραφία από το βιβλίο Bunny Yeager's Darkroom. Βλ. Flaunt Magazine.


Αριστ., φωτογραφία της Bunny Yeager από το βιβλίο Bunny Yeager's Darkroom. Βλ. Flaunt Magazine. Δεξ., η Bunny Yeager με ένα μοντέλο της. Via vintage pinup.


Μία από τις πρώτες φωτογραφίες μοντέλων με μπικίνι που έβγαλε η Bunny Yeager. "In 1954 model, photographer and designer Bunny Yeager started to photograph women in bikinies that she made from cotton and held together with rope.

Yeagers bikinies were at the time innovative and also scandalous. The provocative photos made Bunny and over night success!

The photos typically portrayed "girl next door types" posing in some of the most sexiest, most provocative bathing suits of the time!" (από το μπλογκ της Kyna Treacy "Kini Bikini").


Φωτ. της χορεύτριας του μπουρλέσκ Billie Madley από την Bunny Yeager. Βλ. madbill.


Αριστ., η Lisa Winter στη δεκαετία του '50. Via wide eyed wanderersmokingcrayons.tumblr. Δεξ., φωτογραφία της Bunny Yeager από το βιβλίο Bunny Yeager's Darkroom. Βλ. Vintage Sleaze.


Αριστ. η Bettie Page σε μία φωτογραφία της Bunny Yeager (1954). Βλ. noetico-cosmo.tumblr. Δεξ., βλ. Photographytimetravelnow.tumblr.


Bunny Yeager in bikini. Βλ. scoopweb.


Bettie Page. Βλ. Vintage Sleaze.


Δύο φωτογραφίες της Bunny Yeager του 1956 και 1957. Βλ. fotomen.cn.

Βλ. wikiFeet.


Pool Scene at Sunny Palms Nudist Resort, Homestead, Florida.
Bunny Yeager, 1962. Fahey/Klein Gallery. Βλ. art.1stdibs.


Αριστ., βλ. Vintage Sleaze. Δεξ., βλ. Photographytimetravelnow.tumblr.


Η δίασημη φωτογραφία της Ursula Andress από την Bunny Yeager στα γυρίσματα της ταινίας του James Bond James Dr. No (1962). Βλ. icollector.


Ursula Andress. Βλ. icollector.


O Sammy Davis Jr. βοηθός της  Bunny Yeager σε μία φωτογράφιση που έγινε τη δεκαετία του '50 σε μία ιδιωτική κατοικία της Florida με μοντέλο τη Maria Stinger. Βλ. Diario de una Pin Up frustrada.


H Bunny Yeager με ένα άγνωστο μοντέλο. Βλ. furabo.tumblr.


Βλ. fotomen.cn και soupdulltooldimbulb.


Inside Bunny Yeager's Darkroom , από την Petra Mason. Σχολιάζει η ίδια η Bunny Yeager.


Συνέντευξη της Petra Mason στο μπλογκ Vintage Sleaze :

Creative Director and Author of Bunny Yeager's Darkroom was kind enough to answer a few questions for Vintage Sleaze:

Like Bunny Yeager, you are a woman interested in the "pin up and cheesecake period" of popular culture, largely a men's field at the time.  Do you feel an affinity towards Bunny Yeager as a woman?  Did you select the project on the basis of the artist's gender?

We are both bold women. Iconoclasts or outlaws, not sure which! Both of us grew up in isolated areas, Bunny in the wilds of Philadelphia, and me on a farm in the Southern most tip of Africa. Very early on, we both fell under the spell of the world of glamour, but 40 + years apart. Immediately I was drawn to the badass broads with attitude: the full-figured Jane Russell sneering at the camera while literally rolling in the hay, Marlene Dietrich in a man's tuxedo, looking disdainful. So it was about 15 years ago that I became enchanted by a now iconic image of Bunny and Bettie at Africa USA Safari Park in 1954. It was Bunny posing with her 4 x 5 Speed Graphic camera that really captured my imagination. Her naturally auburn hair up in fraulein braids, her tomboy clam diggers, a bowling 50s shirt. How can you resist the image of confidence: a woman at work with the tools of her trade. For me, that's completely attractive. As for the book, the project selected me. I was aware that Bunny lived in Miami, and not long after moving here from New York, on an August afternoon in 2010 I was on the beach not far from the old Firestone Estate (now the Fonteinbleau) which happens to have been where Bunny most loved to shoot, and I decided it was high time to get on with it.

What do you think Ms. Yeager thinks about the neo-burlesque, retro Bettie Page fashion scene of today, and do you think she could have foreseen it?

Bunny loves it, but she's utterly modern, not old-fashioned like us Jim.

Ouch.  The illustrations selected for the book, many which I believe have never been published, are astonishing.   Were you granted full access to Ms. Yeager's archives?  Do you have any idea how many original photographs of Bettie Page she may have in her holdings, and if there is much unseen work remaining?

You have an expert eye, Jim. Many of the images in the book have never been published. It was not easy wrangling out of her and I had to have nerves of steel to do so. I don't think anyone will ever have total access to Ms.Yeager's archives. She's very protective and suspicious and at the same time, a total tease, in the good old carnival tradition. Bunny has just unearthed even more never before seen images of Bettie Page, and there are many we did not use in this book.

We at Vintage Sleaze are interested in other photographers of the era, Weegee, Russ Meyer, Harrison Marks...how did Bunny see herself among that group?

Of that crew, Bunny saw Russ Meyer as competition. They were both professional and independent operators pitching photographs to the same publishers. Bunny had no problem fitting in, and let's face it, they were an unusual group. I mean, imagine them all in a room together. Is there a word for that? Somehow community does not best describe it...(laughs)
Bunny always had her eye on the prize,  and in a very working class way did what it took to get the job done. And if beating Russ Meyer to the darkroom was part of that, that's what she'd have done.

The Irving Klaw family recently announced they will be auctioning off much of the original Klaw photographs.  Did Bunny know, or circulate with any of the New York professional photographers or amateur camera  club members who shot the model when she was in New York City?  And now that Ms. Yeager is in her 80s, do you know her plans for the archives of her work?

Yes, I read about that. Bunny collaborated with Irving Klaw on a few nudie cuties shot in Florida, and there seems to have been some crossover with models other than Bettie. Two other models who appear in the book, Maria Stinger and even Dondi Penn posed for Mr Klaw, so there was a professional connection  as they were both photographers shooting pin-ups. But as Bunny says in the book about shooting Bettie, "I took her out of the darkness (of Klaw's studio) and into the sunshine. I took off her shackles (Klaw's bondage shots). There is a true joy in Bunny's images of Bettie. Her delight at being naked, and hamming it up for the camera, is palpable.

As for the plans for the archive, that remains a closely guarded secret.

Thank you Petra, both for creating a lovely work and for sharing your thoughts with vintage Sleaze..



Το συναρπαστικό, άχρονο, χαμένο άλμπουμ της Ούρσουλα Λε Γκεν

Πέθανε Σαν Σήμερα / Το συναρπαστικό, άχρονο, χαμένο άλμπουμ της Ούρσουλα Λε Γκεν

H πολυβραβευμένη συγγραφέας επιστημονικής φαντασίας που πέθανε σαν σήμερα, το 2018, είχε συνεργαστεί με τον συνθέτη Todd Barton στη δημιουργία ενός φιλόδοξου πρότζεκτ που εκτείνονταν πέρα από τη συγγραφή.
Μπρους Τσάτουιν: Ένας αεικίνητος ταξιδιώτης

Πέθανε Σαν Σήμερα / Μπρους Τσάτουιν: Ένας αεικίνητος ταξιδιώτης

Ο αιώνιος ταξιδευτής, μυθιστοριογράφος και ταξιδιωτικός συγγραφέας περιπλανήθηκε στα πιο άβατα σημεία του κόσμου αναζητώντας το DNA των νομάδων και έζησε μια μυθιστορηματική ζωή που υπερβαίνει αυτήν που κατέγραψε στα βιβλία του.
Γιατί ο «Άρχοντας των Δαχτυλιδιών» παραμένει ακαταμάχητος μετά από τόσα χρόνια;

Σαν σήμερα έκανε πρεμιέρα / Γιατί ο «Άρχοντας των Δαχτυλιδιών» παραμένει ακαταμάχητος μετά από τόσα χρόνια;

Στις 19/12/2001 έκανε πρεμιέρα η «Συντροφιά του Δαχτυλιδιού», το πρώτο μέρος του κινηματογραφικού άθλου του Πίτερ Τζάκσον που καθόρισε το σινεμά του φανταστικού.